The Search

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Rusalka's Pov

      The last Windigo to Ever exist in hell.

      Many decades ago, the Wendigo species started to become extinct.But after decades, Wendigo's had slowly started to come back. Most coming from the place called earth. Where most of demons now came from.
All information about the last Windigo was about 50 years ago.
Since the population of Wendigo's had been dieing down quickly due to the extreme heat of hell, the last Windigo was Alie Rimons.

She was about 29 years old. Legend's still say that she may still be alive here in hell, but some others may say that she switchs between Earth and Hell.But Who knows when the next Wendigo may arrive.Could be in the next 100 years or less.We will only know if the spirit of the 'child' will come back and haunt the next Wendigo.But for now we must wait.

Written in 1972,March 23rd
Written by, Shawn Wurros

After reading the article I wanted to find more research.Expecally that boy that the article had been talking about.Going to search more I had put "The child who goes after Wendigo's".

Surprisingly there was an article on that too. Opening the article it had read:

           The Child who Haunts Wendigo's

Many decades ago Wendigo's use to be filled in hell.But now they are going extinct.Wendigo's are rarely here in hell.Due to the heat that they can not handle.The last Wendigo was Alie Rimons.She was the ever last Wendigo to be recorded in hell.Some may say that she is still here but most say she's gone.
But with the information that Alie had given before she went away there had involved a child.
During the past decade of Wendigo's history all of them say they had seen a child and I man in there vision.

What they normally see first or hear is a man and kid yelling at each other.Then once they start to look to see who and where this is happening at they don't notice that they become tired.Once the Wendigo had found the kid and the man, they have a choice to interact with the situation.
The situation being the old man attempting to hit the child.

The Wendigo could either step in the way to protect the child.Or they can just watch.
But interfering with the bottle they the kid now is attached to them.If they do not interact they don't have the kid attached to them and live a normal life.
But if the kid is attached he plans to gain your trust.

The 'Child'

This what is so called "child" is not what they seem to be.Sure he may seem in danger but he tries to manipulate you slowly by gaining their trust.This kid is an a young adult who died but had a genetic called Progeira.
Progeira is a genetic or disease that makes you look younger.Which is why most Wendigo's assume they are a child.But they are not, they around the age of 23 when they had died.For many years they were called the 'Wendigo Manipulator'.The manipulator plan is or was to get rid of Earth.To do so they choose a strong but rare demon.The Reason why they go after Wendigo's.
While they chose their victim he tries to interact with them more.After gaining their trust he will tell them to go to the living world.
While traveling to the living world he then takes over your body making you weak.If he takes over your body he uses your power.
Once he had reached his goal of taking over the population he then plans to become the next God.

Who knows?

People in hell mostly agree to get rid of all Wendigo's.But some say to keep Wendigo's alive to capture the child.Always people have debated but who knows when the next Windigo will arrive?

Written in 1972
Written by Elite Forgin

Ever since finding articles about this I've taken note.Now all I had to do was trick this "kid" and capture him.But for now I will play his little game.Now it was time to get back to the hotel and ask Vaggie for advice.
After opening the library door I saw that it was raining.I quickly ran in the rain trying to get back to the hotel.
Before opening the door I quickly dried myself off.
Now opening the door I had headed inside.
Only to see Charlie staring right at me.

"Where have you been I've been trying to find you everywhere!"Charlie says in a angry tone

I ignore her and went to straight to the elevator.Not even looking back I heard a sigh from Charlie.Soon I had arrived in my room.
Closing the door I went straight to my desk.
Getting out my writing book I looked at the notes I've tooken.
While reading I slowly started to feel drowsy. Attempting to keep my eyes open they had shut.Everything had went black.

Next:We meet again

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