A nice Lady

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-Rusalka's Pov- (Tw Needless)

Hearing a faint noise I kept my eyes closed.
I was tired, I didn't want to move.
Facing the wall I heard the noise got louder.
Opening my eyes I layed on my back to see a woman.
It was Charlie's mother.I couldn't hear anything.Giving my mind some space I could hear again.

"Oh you poor thing!What have they done to you!"I heard her say

Slowly getting up I realized my arms were covered in bandages.They were never there.
While some were opened wounds.Blood splatters on the walls and floors.

"W-what happened?"I asked tiredly

"They are doing test on you sweetie.Im so sorry what they have done"She said slowly hugging me

"Ma'am I appreciate the hug but I don't want to get blood on you"I said

"It's fine,You need comfort"She said

Slowly rapping my arms around her.I melted into the hug.

"Thank you"I whispered

"It's no problem, I'll bring you some things but for now try to recover"She said rubbing my head then walked out

My eyes were heavy.I felt weak, but this lady.
She is an angel, an angel in hell.
Attempting to sit up straight my back was sore.Slowly putting my hands behind my back.I put my hands under my shirt.Going up I felt more bandages and some wounds that weren't covered.
More of them being swollen.
Getting a good look at my surroundings, there was blood, ink, and hole that was mostly covered.
Putting my head against the wall I knew I had to get up.Pulling my knees to my chest I used the wall for support.Lifting myself up I could stand.
Sure it felt weak but it worked.Letting go of the wall, I went to the door.
Trying to hear anything, but there was nothing.Then I heard angry footsteps.
Backing up to the corner I was originally at I stood there.

"Lilith, what are you doing darling?!"I assumed it was Lucifer

"You aren't treating this kid right!Do you even know how old they are?!"I heard Lilith say

Then there was silence.

"Exactly, this child has been through some shit!And you were going to treat her worse!"
Then the door opened.

Lilith slowly put down the items she had.

"Are you okay darling?"Lilith asked

"Yes, ma'am"I said looking at her.

"Lilith!"Lucifer said standing behind her

"What is it?"She said in a bitter tone

"Why the hell are you helping this kid!?"He asked in a angry tone

"Just because she is a Wendigo doesn't mean you have to treat her like this!"She argued

"We are taking her to the experiment room now!Guards!"Lucifer yelled

My eyes widen,I didn't want to go.
Lilith immediately hugged me.

"I'm so sorry child, stay strong for me okay?"
Lilith said "there's nothing I can do"

"You don't have to apologize Lilith.You already tried hard enough"I said hugging back.

Hearing stomps in the hallway the guards came in.

"Queen Lilith, we are asking you to move please"The guard said

Lilith letted go and I did too.She had slight tears in her eyes.The guards grabbed me and led me out of the room.
My eye met the bright light in the halls.
Then after a three minute walk they opened another door.Both strapping me to a chair.
Sitting in silence i watched one grab a needle.
It was thin.Getting some type of bottle, the liquid was clear.
Injecting it into the needle it was now full.
Attempting to focus on the label it was propofol.
It was going to make me fall asleep.One coming towards me I looked at the guard.

"Fuck you"I said

"This won't hurt a bit"He said sticking the needle in my arm.

Then my eyes grew heavy.Trying stay away the last thing I saw was door open.
My vision went black.

-Time skip-

Waking up I saw a bright light.Looking down I opened my eye.Now having my vision back I looked around.Everything had looked the same.
But I didn't have Ryan appear at all.He usually does whenever I am asleep.
I knew how to get out of here.I wasn't sure if I had the capability to.
Trying to move my hair out of my face, I finally got it.I knew revealing my eye would make me stronger.Now with my hair out of my face I started to break the straps.
Breaking each one I could finally get up.
Slowly rising I almost fell.
Getting my balance I went to the door.
Holding the handle I twisted it.

Damn it... it's locked.

Looking through things I found a bobby pin.
Going to the key hole I began to pick.
About 3 minutes had gone by.
Almost giving up I heard a click.Slowly I opened the door.I was free, well not yet.
Walking in the hallways I tried to be quick but quite.Hearing footsteps I hid behind a wall.
Waiting I saw a guard.
Trying to stay quiet he kept walking.
Going another direction I saw another experiment room.
Looking through the small glass, I knew who it was.
It was Ryan! Realizing I still had the bobby pin.Unlocking the door I opened it.
Stepping in Ryan slowly looked up.

"Hey Ryan"I said closing the door

"Rusalka what are you doing here, didn't you get caught too?"He asked

"Yeah, but I escaped!"I said quietly showing him the bobby pin.

"Look I'm sorry what I said from whatever day that was"I said feeling pitty

"It's okay,I'm just glad your fine"He said

"Okay, now let's get you out of here"I said now going to his locks.

Picking each one Ryan was now free.

"Thanks Rus, now we have to figure out where the exit is"He scoffed

"When I made this turn I saw an exit to our left,well that's what it said"I explained

Opening the door no one was there.Going to the end of the hall both of us heard something behind us.Turning around it was Lilith.

"What are you to doing here?"Lilith asked

"We are trying to leave"I said

"I can show both of you the safest way out, follow me"Lilith said now taking the lead

Me and Ryan looked at each other with a smile and walked.Following Lilith she took us to a secret exit.While it opened it was beautiful.Sure the sky was red but it was a whole red garden.

"Oh my...this is amazing, thank you so much Lilith.Is there anything I could do to repay you?"I questioned

"No darling, you don't have to do anything, but just take care, go before anyone sees you both"She explained

Giving her a hug I thanked her.Me and Ryan headed out the exit.Then turning around I saw Lilith smiling down at us, then the door closed.
Walking around I saw a good view of the city.
Going to the woods we took a short cut.
Making our way down to the city, it felt like an hour walk.
I sighed in relief.

"Ryan, I know this is sudden but...would you...


Lol I had to.
Idk what Rusalkas relationship is with Ryan but...I feel like they would be good lovers.

...just me?Okay but honestly I need an opinion so I know what to write lol.

Reaperlostsouls.....I see you 😶‍🌫️(tysm btw <3)

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