The sacrifice

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- Rusalka's Pov -

Sitting in the Limo with Charlie was tiring.
It was completely boring.I still had the hoodie that Alastor gave me.
This is all that I have of him.If I even survive.
The drive felt like hours.Looking at Charlie I saw her perk up.
Glancing out the window I saw a big palace.

"It looks like we are here"Charlie said happily

I sat there not knowing what will happen.
Either I was going to be injured, or dead.
After the Limo stopped Charlie softly grabbed my arm and pulled me out.
While getting out I saw guard's come up to me.
Trying to stay calm I was grabbed violently.
Two men grabbed me by the arm.

"Woah what are you doing?!"Charlie asked scared

None of them said a word.Then seeing another come out of nowhere.One stood in front of me.
I was terrified, trying to squirm out they held me tighter.The guy then held my chin, attempting to move it his direction.
Refusing I was then getting dragged inside.

"Let her go!"Charlie said trying to pull one of them off

"We can not.Due to your father's orders"One of them spoke

Looking at Charlie with a horrid face she worded 'im sorry'.
It was basically her fault in the first place.
Why is she now sorry.But something was going on.Letting my guard down the one grabbed my face.Now making me make eye contact with him.
He slowly pushed my hair out of my left eye.
Now revealing my bandages covering my eye.
I felt a tear run down my cheek.Never I thought I would see this day.
Not even imagine this.

"Take her to Lucifer"The guy spoke

Hanging my head low I tried not to let out any tears.Entering the building everything was massive.
But all I could feel was the pain in my eyes.
I practically gave up.I didn't want to do this anymore.

"Well...Well...well, look who we have hear"
I heard a loud man say

Glancing up I saw what I could assume was Charlie's father.Lucifer.
Looking back at the ground I was dropped.
I heard my heavy breathing, I couldn't keep it under control.
As much as I can hide my emotions, I couldn't hide this.

"Your the Wendigo Charlie was talking about!"
Lucifer said happily
"Hmm not much of a talker huh?"He said

"Honey What you just ordered the guards to do must have been terrifying to the poor girl"
I heard his wife say

"Dad I'm sorry!"I heard Charlie yell

"Why are you apologizing to me?You should apologize to your little friend!"He said while laughing

Everyone was silent.I stared at the floor not wanting to move.It felt like all eyes were on me.No matter what I did.
Hearing Charlie walk in front of me I looked up.

"I'm sorry Rusalka"She said

" you want to apologize"I said in a Shakey voice
"After all you have done, you finally think you've crossed the line!"I yelled while getting up.
"I..I tell you what I am only to be betrayed!

Feeling liquid come out of my other 'eye' I put my hand on the bandage.It was covered in what looked like ink.

"Look ..what you have done Charlie"I said while smiling

Trying to keep my composure I felt two arms rap around mine.It was the guards.

" this true?"Her mom asked

"IT WAS A MISTAKE!"Charlie yelled

The guards took off my bandage.Now showing my other half of my 'face'.
It was part of a skull.Jaw showing, I had no other eye.
I tried getting them off me until I was shoved into the ground.Now they had held me down.

"Hmm a feisty one I see.Take her to the experiment room"

Looking up I finally made contact with Lucifer.But all he had was a cheeky smile.
It haunted me, terribly.
Then getting shoved into a dim room I tried making it to the door.But it had closed.
Yelling I had cried.Sitting on the floor I cried.
I didn't want to be here.
It was a mistake to come back.
My eyes immediately started to burn.
Putting my Shakey hands on my half skull face, my hand covered in ink.

"I WANT TO GO HOME!"I yelled tears sti falling.

My throat began to hurt.Slowly loosing my voice I couldn't speak.
Sitting in the corner, it was the only comfortable place.
Looking at the door that provided somewhat light it grew darker.No matter how much time, I just sat there.Not moving a inch.
I didn't have anymore energy.
Slowly I crashed onto the floor.No mattress or anything.I closed my eyes.
I had to get some rest.
Before I was hurt even more.


Wrote this all in 35 minutes let's go!!!

But really it's 4 am almost 5 and I haven't gotten sleep and I started school like tomorrow.
I need help lol.

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