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Rusalka's Pov

I opened the door letting Charlie in first.
After we both went in I closed the door.
Going into the living room Charlie sat next to me.
She sighed and stared at me.And I looked at her back.It was silent for a while.Then I knew what I wanted to say.

"Why did you come looking for me"I asked Charlie

"We need to get you out of the Country"
Charlie said with a worried look

"...Charlie...I..I can't leave, not yet"I said

"You have to"She said

"You don't mom just died!"
I yelled at her

Then she opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out.Charlie then closed her mouth and looked at the ground.
I could feel my eye burning but I knew I couldn't leave yet.

"I-Im sorry.... but you and Ryan need to leave now!"Charlie yelled at me

"H..How the Fuck do you know about Ryan..I never told you about him"I said standing up quickly.

Then she looked up and stared at me.She scoffed and stood up too.

"My dad tells me everything you know?Look either one I have to turn you in or two I help you leave the country"She said looking soulless

I stood there shocked.I didn't know what to say.My heart was pounding.I looked at Charlie and she stared back.

"...fine, help us get out of the country then"I said
trying not to sound angry

"Okay then, I'll meet you tomorrow.Oh and be ready"She said walking towards the front door

Charlie opened the door and walked out.
I stood there my lip quivering and my eye irritated.
Looking at the closed door that charlie left I was pissed.
Walking to the guest room I knocked on the door.

"Ryan!Wake up it's almost 1pm"I yelled at the door

Standing there for a while no response was heard.I sighed and I walked away from the door until I heard it open.

"What?"I heard Ryan say in a sleepy tone

"It's almost 1pm wake...OH OKAY JUST GET DRESSED AND I NEED TO TALK TO YOU FOR A MOMENT"I said quickly walking towards the living room.

What I had saw was Ryan shirtless.Which made me freak out and sit on the couch.
Trying to catch my breath I calmed down.
Getting my phone I played games while I waited.
After a while I heard footsteps.Pausing my game I put my phone down.Then Ryan had walked into the living room and sat beside me.

"What were you yelling for?"Ryan said with a sleepy tone, plus a smirk

"N-Nothing, but I got to tell you something"I
Said trying to stay calm

"Go ahead"Ryan said

"We have to move to a different Country... tomorrow"I said a bit upset

"What!? Why? Don't you love this place?"Ryan asked

"I do love Canada but...Charlie says that we have to leave.I don't know why but she just said"I explained

Ryan sighed"Well..I guess we have no other choice?"He questioned

"I believe so, so just get some things packed and we will see what happens tomorrow "I said getting up

Walking to my room I grabbed a bag and started to pack.

-Charlie's Pov-

Walking in the woods I went back to the splitted tree.
Ending back in hell I now had the plan for my father.Now walking back to the Limo I was then taken to my dad's place.
After a while I then was at the place.Walking into the castle I then lookef for my father.
Going into the common room I found my dad.

"So how did the mission go?"My dad asked

"Pretty good actually!I now can tell you were they live so you can attack whenever"I said a bit annoyed

"Great, we will do it tomorrow"He said

"Tomorrow!? Isn't that a bit early?"I asked

"It's never too early"He said and laughed

Slowly walking away I knew I was in trouble.
I was actually going to help them but now I actually got to be quick about this.If they figure out that I told my father I'll be killed literally.

-Next day- -Rusalka's Pov-

Waking up I heard the sound of my alarm.
Opening my eyes I turned it off.
I sighed and got up.Getting my clothes on I went to the bathroom.
Looking at the time it was 9:39 am.Getting out of my room I walked to the guest room.

"Ryan we have to get ready!"I yelled tiredly

"Okay-"I heard him yell

Walking to the kitchen I made breakfast.
After and hour pasted me and Ryan were playing video games.
Then all of a sudden there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it"I said to Ryan while getting up.

Walking towards the door I opened it and saw Charlie.It had looked like if she was running?

"Charlie are you okay?"I asked

"You!Both of you have to leave now!" Charlie said trying to catch her breath

"What do you mean now?"I asked confused

"They are coming here right now!You have to run or leave immediately"She said

"Ryan come on we have to go now!"I yelled at him

Ryan immediately grabbed both of our things and shoved them into the car.Starting the car I quickly got in.

"Charlie are you coming with us?"I asked

"I can't but drive somewhere you know where you can go, Bye Ryan and Rusalka"Charlie said before running off

Backing up the car I started to drive on the road.Ryan then put direction to New York.
Looking in the rear view window I saw a huge group of guards.

Now this is were they chase begins.

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