Adult's World

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-Rusalka's Pov-

Sitting in the car I waited for it to warm up.
Staring at the controls I sat there silently.
I had to remember what was what.But ever since I can slightly remember.
I inhaled and breathed out.Putting my hand on the gear shift I put it in reverse.
Slowly I drove out of the parking lot.
Once I was on the road I put it on neutral.
Now I was actually driving on the road. Making it to the stop sign I stopped.Looking to the left and right I went ahead.
I knew where the license building was.Driving there I pulled into a parking spot.
Then I grabbed the gear shift and put it on parking.
Taking the key out I unlocked the car.

P.S I don't even know how to drive, nor am I not even old enough yet. Lol

"Come on Ryan let's go"I said opening my door.

Closing it I made sure it was locked.Putting the key in my pocket I opened the door.
Letting Ryan go in first I then went in.
Letting go of the door my heart pounded.
The closer I got, the more it felt like it was going to explode.
Going to the front desk I stood there and took out the license and papers.
Seeing one of the workers they walked this way.

"Hello how may I help you?"The guy said

"Yes I made a call about 20 minutes ago about reactivating a license"I said placing the card and papers

"Ah yes I see, many people said you were dead"The guy said with a frown

"Well, I was just out and lost for a few months so....I'm pretty sure that's why they said that"
I said lieing

"I see, well it might take a few days but we will sure get it activated!"The guy said
"How old are you?"The male asked

"What's today's date?"I asked having no clue

" November 12th"He said

"Oh I just turned 18, I forgot about my birthday"I scoffed

"Happy birthday"He said

"Thanks, is that all?"I asked

"Oh just sign some papers and we will call you when it's ready"He said handing me paper

Reading them for a while I then signed them.
And signed another.Once I was done I handed him the papers.

"Okay that's it for today, have a wonderful day"He said with a wave

Waving back I said bye.Giving Ryan a signal to come he came along.
Walking back to the car I unlocked it.
Waiting for Ryan he stood outside while looking at something.Getting back out of the car I walked over to Ryan.

"Ryan are you okay?"I asked and grabbed his shoulder

"..we need to go now"He said while whispering

Quickly getting into the driver's side I started the car.Ryan had sat and shut the door.
Making me pull out of the parking spot and leave.Driving back to the house the car was filled with silence.

"Ryan what did you see"I asked him, trying to make it seem less quiet

"It of the guards, well that's what they looked like"He said staring out the window

"Fuck...they are probably looking for us"I said keeping my eyes on the road

"Well what are we going to do?"Ryan asked worried

"I'm not sure but either one, we have to change our appearance, or two leave the country"I explained

"Wouldn't leaving the country be more difficult?"He asked

"Well...yeah but I don't have money or a job so it will be much difficult"I said "But for now we have to stay here, I'll try to gather money and if we have enough we will leave the country"
I explained

"Is there anyway I could help?"Ryan asked

"You don't have an ID do you?"I asked

"No, but from hell yes"He said

"Hmm once we get home let me see it"I said

He nodded.Time flew by and eventually we had made it home.Unlocking the front door we both stepped in.
Locking the door I put the keys away.I sighed and plopped onto the couch.

"Hey Rusalka here is the ID"Ryan said while handing me a card

Grabbing the card I looked.It was an actual ID.
I was surprised.Apparently they gave him a real ID.

"Wow... Uhm, they actually gave you a real ID."
I said amazed.
Then I gave back his ID.

"Yeah it's not like the Hell ID"He said

"Well I guess I'm going to have to wait until I get mine"



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