Stress Relief

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Rusalka's Pov

Laying in my room with my eyes closed, I listened to the music filling in the silence in my room.This was the only time I had to be in my own space.
It hasn't been busy at the hotel lately.I mean I could see why, most people think this thing to heaven is fake.While some only stay here because they don't have a place to stay.
Did I have anything to do?Hmm I don't think so
If I do I might as well just check.I mean I a bored after all.
Sitting up in my bed I had stretched.Getting up I got my room key and headed out the door.Walking in the empty hallway I went to the elevator.Waiting on the elevator I heard faint arguing.I sighed and pretend not to hear anything.But all I could hear was the yelling getting louder and louder.
The door had opened and no one was there.
What in the world? I was confused,There was yelling but this elevator had only worked.
I got in and press the first button.Now shutting the elevator door it took me to the main floor.


I heard in the elevator.I looked around and still, no one was there.I got out my headphones and put music on. What ever is or whoever is speaking must be in my head or not real.
I took I deep breath in and had let it out. Hearing the elevator ring I had got out.Now walking to the staff room I looked in my pile.
I had some paperwork but I could manage. I picked up the first paper reading.

Dear Ruskla,

        Me and Vaggie will be out tonight along with Angel as well.I am not sure if Al will be there.But most likely not.Husk also has his break off too.So you will be in charge of the hotel tonight.We will be back tomorrow morning around 11am.Sorry I didn't tell you sooner,but this trip was unexpected.
I will make it up to you some day.But on the other hand I will see you tomorrow.

           P.S Keep the building closed.

"Keep the building closed?"I read in confusion
"What is that supposed to mean,what the Fuck is going to happen?"I said out loud.

I grabbed my paperwork and started to walk to the main entrance.Leaving my paper on the front desk I closed the hotel.I sighed and went behind the front desk.
Putting music on I had looked through the list of what Charlie had left me. I suppose I have to check this off if I am correct? I started with the first task, paperwork.All I had to do was sign it.After the work I had marked it off the clist.Next was Cleaning, like windows,chairs, desk, equipment, and etc.
Hours of work I was tired.It was 2am,the voices had been gone since I started to work.
Putting all the working equipment up I went to the lounge and sat on the couch.

"I did not expect to work that long,It usually took less time, but that was unusual for me"
I said

I still heard talking around the area.It was near the counter.I slowly looked behind the counter.No one was even there.

"Hey, calm down!"I heard a kid say


"Why are you even doing this!"

"YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU DID!"The man yelled back at the kid

Then everything became foggy,but then I had saw a kid about 7-10 and a man that was or looked around 30-47.
They were more like ghost instead of like the people who live in hell.

"I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING I SWEAR!"The kid said in fear


The man picked up a glass bottle, raising his hand about to hit the kid.I ran towards them, I had stood in front of the kid.I heard glass break,it felt real but it didn't hurt.

"EH- WHAT THE HELL?"The man yelled in confusion

"(Gasp) You,your bleeding,are you alright?" the small kid had questioned me.


I stayed quiet for a few seconds.And stared at the man for a few seconds as well.

"You shouldn't worry about who the Fuck I am.You tried to hit a kid for what?"I said

"Move they are my kid!"The man yelled

"Is the kid really,they seem like they dispise you.You know you shouldn't be doing this to any kid.And you deserve to go to hell!"I said

I grabbed the broken bottle from the man's hand and smashed it against his head.The man had turned into fog now mixing with the other fog around me.

"Hey kid?Are you alright?"I asked

"Yeah I'm fine,thank you for defending me from that man"

"It's fine"

"Hey you should get back awake,they are almost here!"


"You know who,you fell asleep and it's almost time for them to get back!"

"Charlie and them?"

"I think thats their name but...your to late they are here.I must go but I will see you later bye my friend!"

"NO WAIT!"I yelled

The kid ignored me and walked into the fog.
I was confused and scared of what he was talking about.Then I had felt something grab my shoulders and yelled wake up in a demonic voice.

Now waking up I gasped for air.
Looking around I saw Charlie, Vaggie and Angel all around me.

"Thank goodness your alive!"Charlie said.

"What happened"I said in a sleeply tone.

Next: Clueless

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