Art is dead

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Rusalka's Pov. (Tw.Abuse and Suicide)

Shutting the door to the hotel me and Alastor had left the hotel.

"So what were you planning to go get?"Alastor said

"Well I have a passion for art and I just wanted to get some things like a drawing book"I replied

"Hmm,I think I may know a place"

Walking down the sidewalk there was only a few people.Some just casually walking while some trying to pick a fight.Either because they seem drunk or that they want something from you.
Trying to avoid the I moved out of their way.

"Eh-Hey you"A drunken said pointing towards me.

I kept walking with Alastor trying to ignore the guy.

"HEY I AM TALKN TO YOU!"The drunk guy said louder

I just turned back at him only to figure out that he had looked familiar.Turning to Alastor I ask.

"Hey could we like get away from him as far as possible?"I said mimmoring to him

Alastor had agreed now both of us walking faster.Turning back I saw the man running after us.Alastor had turned around seeing the drunken also running behind us.
Alastor stopped walking and had teleported us to the store.

"Thank you"I said

"This is why I teleport and not walk"Al had said

"Yeah I can see why"

"Well whatever you need is here"

I nodded and started to look around the store.
Most of the items looked vintage, not complaining they look cute.But I needed that sketch book, or at least some type of writing book.Old clothes, writing utensils, vinyls, but no writing books in site.
Alastor and I had looked in other stores but no luck.I started to lose hope in finding what I wanted.

"Al, are you sure there isn't another place that has a writing book?"I said upset

"Well there's this one place, but the books there are alive"He stated

"Could I at least see what they look like?"

"I suppose why not"

Walking down the street of hell we had made it to the shop.It was all books, opening the the I've never seen so many books in my life.I quickly walked through the store in excitement.After a few minutes I found a book.It was a sage green that looked used on the outside with a rope to hold tight to. I had immediately grabbed the book.Walking to the counter I pulled out my cash.

"Kid,you know what these books are right?"
The cashier asked

I nodded my head in a response.

"10.99"He said

Giving him the cash he gave me the book.Now I had to look for Alastor.He was outside talking to someone.I didn't want to interrupt so I stayed in the store, looking inside the book most of the pages looked old.Which I like about the book,it had a pretty color too.
Looking outside the window the guy looked angry at Alastor.
Going outside of the store I heard the man yelling.Standing there in silence I was intrigued of what was about to happen. Knowing that Alastor is one of the strongest demons here according to Vaggie.

"Hey Al-"I said while getting cut of by the yelling man


He was loud,I could tell he was drunk.He slurred most of his words,even with hiccups.
I didn't want this to be like the living world.So I kept my mouth shut.

"HAVE YOU SEEN THIS GIRL OR NOT?"The guy said almost shoving the paper in Alastors face.

"HAVE YOU?"He said now turning to me.

I stared at the picture for a moment.Pulling out a small picture, there was a girl that was circled in red saying me.I looked up at the picture again.Then I had realized he was looking for me.

"Why are you looking for her?"I asked

"She was my daughter in the living world and I need to look for her, for certain purposes."
He said

I put the picture away.I wanted to run away as far as I could.But I didn't want to leave Alastor here with my dead father.I had only now realized he looked familiar.

"That's why you looked so familiar to me,and you sound like him too"I said looking down

"Yeah you also kind of look and sound familiar too, wait...your not her are you?"

"Ah!No I'm not sir I was just saying"

"Why did you kill yourself, why?WHY?"He yelled louder

"IM NOT HER I SWEAR!I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHO YOU ARE!"I yelled back terrified


I had began to tear up.I stepped back from the man, now running the opposite way from him.Tears began to run down my cheek, I didn't think I would interact with him again.
But I guess I can't escape from him can I?
I kept running, finding my way to the hotel I had eventually made it.Opening the door I stepped inside and slammed the door.
I started sit on the couch in near the check in and out center.
Putting my bag on the floor I sat there hyperventilating.Tears still going down my cheeks.
I heard someone coming but I didn't bother to move.Then the footsteps stopped, they were right in front of me.I had recognized there shoes, it was Angel.

"What do you want Angel"I asked with hiccups being in-between my words

"Are you okay?"He asked

All I did was look up at him.Before I could say anything he spoke.

"I know that's a stupid question but could you at least tell me what happened,if your comfortable telling me of course"He said

"It's my father, he's here in hell and I ran into him.He was looking for me"I said

Angel had sat down next to me.He sighed and sat there in silence.

"Did your dad do something to you?"He questioned

"When I was alive, he would always get drunk and take his anger out on me.He left bruises, cuts, and open wounds until they bled on me.
Always locking me in my room I couldn't eat or sleep.I knew he would eventually come in and hit me again."I said staring at the floor.

"Wow...that is Terrible I can see why you don't like him at all."

"I was going to ask how he died but I said to much, that's how he recognized me,I had spoke to much(I guess that's why it's always my fault)"I said murmuring the last part

"Toots look nothing is your fault, it's your idiotic drunk dad."Angel said

"Well it just fe-"I stopped my sentence.

The door had opened,it was Alastor.Taking a few breathers I had got up from the couch.

"Hey Al,I'm sorry for running off without saying anything"I said

"It's okay, I accept your apology.But was there a certain reason why you ran away from that man?"Alastor asked

"He, was or is my dad.He wasn't the best father and the paper I pulled out.I knew it was me when I was alive."I stated

"Hmm,I understand then,I was going to bring him but I decided not to"Alastor said

"Thank goodness you didn't,I wouldn't know what to do"I said in relieve.

Next: Stress Relief

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