Past life

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Rusalka's Pov (tw: Suicide,abuse)

"You want to know how you got here?"Alastor asked

"Yes,I would like to know."I said

"When you arrived did you get a flip through book?"

"Yeah but it was quite small"

"Since you do have that, it tells you how you died without words,if you need help understanding it you could always come to me"

"Oh,Thank you Alastor"

"No problem darling,I must go do my job"

Walking to the elevator I was trying to remember what I saw in the small book.
Opening my door to my room I went to the drawer.Finding the small book I flipped through it.
Most of it was abuse that I saw,until knifes and pills had came into this.
I had soon realized I had overdosed on melatonin,while bleeding.But there was more to the book.Seeing a drawing of ambulances and assuming my dad crying.
Then that was the end of the book.

So I had overdosed,is that why I'm pale?Hmm there has to be at least more information of why I'm actually here.
Getting the bag once again I dumped out everything.Looking in every pocket and everything that had fell out.There wasn't anything I could find.Checking my own pockets I found more paper.
Opening it got to be kidding me a suicide note.

Dear dad,

I know you aren't doing well in this moment.Neither am I .I can't handle the things that your doing.You got mad at me almost for everything I've done.Every little thing, even if it was a good thing. Knowing that mom and brother left somewhere else I thought I would keep you company until your gone.Well I couldn't do that anymore, the drinking, the yelling,the abuse, it was too much.Knowing that I was sensitive made it worse.Knowing that some random times you would yell at me while your drunk or not made me feel like nothing.Made me feel worthless, useless,maybe, just maybe if I had left it would be better for you.
You didn't realize how much you have effected my life.But you won't anymore.So this is why I'm leaving this world.Leaving this hell, I didn't want to take it anymore.
I overdosed, melatonin pills I tried living for so long but look where I am dead.
I hope you are proud of yourself DAD.

-im not sorry

That's not what I was expecting from past life me but..okay.
Leaving the note open I started to put everything else in my bag.Putting my bag away,I heard a knock on my door.
Walking towards the door I had opened it.
It was Angel.

"Hey Rusalka,can I come in?"Angel asked

"Sure I don't mind"I said

Angel had walked in,I looked at my room for a moment until I saw the note.Wait NO THE NOTE!
Shutting the door quickly I went to the bed and grabbed the note.Folding it and putting it into my pocket.

"What was that?"Angel questioned

"Oh..Uhm that's not important,just some silly drawing I had."I said nervously
'i just fucked it up didn't I' I said in my head

"But you know you didn't have to hide in front me,well if I didn't judge it that is"

"Yeah,Oh by the way did you need anything?"
I asked

"Well Charlie wanted me to ask you how was your first day here, since you know that your new and all"

"Oh yeah I'm..doing fine,but what did you want to come in for?"

"Well I didn't want to get a job to do or get caught"Angel said holding a alcohol bottle

"....uh,Angel.. please don't-"

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