New vs Old

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Rusalka's Pov

White light started to fill my vision.I had only realized that this was not hell.
I slowly opened my eyes only to find myself in a forest.It was bright,I finally got to see the sun after months.But now it was a blue sky.
Sitting myself up i took a moment to realize where I was.It was my home town.I was back in Canada!
But I'm pretty sure people won't remember who I am.Unless I changed once again.
Looking at myself I took out my phone and went to the camera.I still had my eye covered by a bandage, my hair being the same.
While my skin was white, but a bit more pale.
My hair being the same but light brown and shorter.Just how I looked like when I was alive.
My height looked or what I estimated was about 5ft and 9in.Even my clothes were different.It was a crimson fluffy sweater.
And my pants being black sweatpants.
But it still wasn't how I was before hell.
At least I can get away from Charlie and those officers better.
I don't even know how old I am but I'm going to assume I am 17.Thats my age before I had died so hopefully I'm the same age.
If not I still look young right now.

Walking out of the snowy forest I started to hear cars ahead.Getting closer it became brighter, and louder.
Then I saw the road, a small road.I stood there for a moment.I knew exactly where I was.
I knew my house was near here somewhere.
Or at least where my mom lives.
If my dad is dead then there is not point of going there.
But I know I had visited my mom's before so it's not that hard to remember.Now it was a task to find my mother's house.
Walking on the side of the road some memories had filled my brain.Trees were covered in snow and one certain road was ahead.
Seeing a house that was familiar I got closer to see what it had looked like.It was my mom's house.I ran across the street and went up to the door.
Knocking quickly I stood at the door happily.
Hearing walking coming towards the door.
There was a pause, the door had then opened.
A smile had stayed on my face only to see my mom in front of me.

"May I help you?"My mom had asked

"Could I come in to explain you something?"
I asked. I had knew she didn't recognize me so I had to explain to her.

"Sure come on in"

Cleaning my shoes I had stepped in the house.

"Could we sit in the living room and have our conversation there?"I asked

"Sure just follow me"

Going to the living room it had still looked the same before I died.Or left my mom's.
Sitting on the couch my mom had sat on the other couch across from me.

"Well you know what happened to your daughter right?"I said looking straight at my mom

"How do you know about that?"She asked concerned

"Let's just say I'm your daughter"

"You are not my daughter she is dead"

"This is why I had to explain to you, before I had died you know that I went with dad because I didn't want him to be alone.
You remember when you heard yelling from outside and you ran outside?"

"Yes what about that"

"That was me,dad had made himself look different.He knew I was going to your place.
So he took me back.After a while I committed."

"Ash?Is that really you?"

"Yes mom,It is me"

My mom quickly gotten up and ran towards me.She hugged me tight.After a while she looked at me in the eyes.

"How did you even come back?"She questioned in shock.

"Let's just say it was a long story,but that not important mom.Im just glad I get to see you again"I said

"Your right,Your lucky I still have your room here after you were gone"

"You do?"

"Yeah, I never moved anything from it's place so you can stay in your old room!"

Walking down the hallway I saw my door.
I stared at the door and had opened it.
Mom was right.Nothing had moved everything had stayed the same.

"Hey Ash I forgot to ask you something"My mom said

"Yeah what is it mom?"I said turning around

"Why do you have a bandage covering your eye?"

"It's from hell, my demon type"

"You went to hell?!?"She said in shock

"Yeah...but listen it's not as bad as people think it is"

"Hmm I don't know but may I take a look at your eye?"

"Funny thing,I don't have an eye"

"Just take it off"

Moving my hair away from my bandages I unraped the bandages on my face.

"Do you mind if I touch it?Will it hurt?"

"No it won't hurt, and yes you can touch it"

Mom had slowly moved her hand towards my face.Finally she started to touch the part of my skull.Then she had stopped.

"What demon type are you to make you look like this?"

"A Wendigo"


Next: Tales that lie

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