Tales that Lie

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Rusalka's (Ash) Pov

"A WHAT?"My mom yelled

"A...wendigo"I said quietly

"We need to help you immediately!"My mom said in a panic

"Is there a reason why?"I asked

"That kid the fake kid, as much as I complain that I'm old and I'd rather be dead but I'm not trying to die by some bitch"She said looking for stuff.

"But I also got something else to worry about too!"I said Following her around the house

"And what that might be?"She said stopping in the kitchen

"Well you know how I got here right?Well there are other demons trying to find me and I don't know if they are here"

"Oh my then we also have to get you a new look or something, but we still got to help you"

"hey by any chance do you have my old clothes?"

"Yeah they are still in your closet, you're smart you know"

"Not really but thanks.Ima go change now"

Walking into my old room I shut the door.I started to sneeze a bit after seeing a bit of dust.Looking around the room there wasn't a single thing that moved.Like before I died nothing had moved from it's place.
Now going to the closet I put my hand on the nob.Opening the closet all clothes from before had remained in their spots. Grabbing a Band T-shirt and ripped jeans.Changing my boots into converse.
After changing I closed the closet door and my bedroom door.Walking out into the hallway I searched for my mom.
Kitchen,nope not there, Bathroom, not even the lights where on,Mom's bedroom, not in there either.
All the places you thought of and looked, no one was even here.I plopped on the couch and sighed.It was like playing hide and seek with a ghost, no one was even there.
I was only in my room for about 5 minutes. Plus you could hear when someone left the house too.Which from the five minutes I had heard no one.
And I didn't have my phone either.Which was so great.First I can't find my mom and second I don't have my phone either.Getting up from the couch I had went to the back yard.
Looking around I saw plants and a mini soccer set.
The only place was to look at the side of the house.Looking around one corner she wasn't there.Then looking around the other she wasn't there either.Before leaving the corner I heard angry talking.
Hiding myself in the bush I sat there silently listening and looking to see who it was.
They had looked familiar until I heard their names.

"How the he did she get that far?" Someone said

"Charlie I don't know what to say but we obviously can't be seen in the public they are immediately going to say we are demons after the stunt those other demons did"A man said angrily.

"I at least want to find her!Ugh, I swear y'all do not understand when I mean go soft.Jeez!"
Charlie said

"Well we are demons we always go hard against people expecally when it's the police!"
He continued to say.

"Fine, but once we find Rusalka immediately take her to my father you understand?" Charlie said in an angry tone

"Yes,Yes I do understand"He replied

"Good, now then we both go back to hell and we get disguises and we find her, no matter what!Now come on then"Charlie said walking back to the tree that splitted in half.

Waiting a bit longer I had made sure they were gone.Getting up from the bush I brushed off the leafs and went back inside the house.
Now the only things I had to worry and is Charlie and Ryan.
I'm sure this will be a difficult thing to deal with.

Next: Clues and Boo's

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