"Just Go, Leave me"

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-Rusalka's Pov-

After what happened an hour ago we both heard no more gun shots.But a lot of police had passed by during the time.
Both of our legs were sore but we had some good conversation on the way here.
Looking at the map we were in Vermont, which was right beside New York.
The time was now 9:26 am.
We had made some good progress on our walk.
But it sure was tiring.Only just to survive.
For once me and Ryan both decided that it was time to actually take a break.
Since we had stopped by a small town we got some food and went to the bathroom.
Going into a store we both had enough money to buy a bike.
Which would make things way quicker.Both of us bought our own bike and headed off.
We started to talk while ride out bikes.
Leading the way it was quite fun to see the world.
Taking somewhat of our time just to get to one state.Which wasn't easy for sure but seeing everything was cool.
Sometimes we would switch from walking to bike riding.Due to either our butts hurting or out feet.

A lot of time had flew by it was now 5pm.
The sun started to slowly set.Taking a turn we had to take a path in the woods for some reason.It was according to Google maps.
But then I had fell on my bike.

"Shit!"I said while I fell.

"What happened!?"Ryan stopped to help me up

"T..there's a bullet in my tire"I said slowly getting up

"They can't be close can they?"Ryan asked



"We got to go!"Ryan said and he abandoned his bike

"What the Fuck are you doing!?"I said

"I'm not leaving you!"Ryan said helping me run

Both of us ran at the same pace.Hearing and seeing bullets fly by.We were scared, we didn't know how they caught up quick but.It was like magic or something.


I then felt a sharp pain in the back of my leg.
I yelled out in pain and immediately covered my mouth.
Taking out the gun I had I turned around and shot at one of them.Hitting one me and Ryan kept running.
After a while we slowed down to catch our breathes.

"I-I can't walk anymore-"I said panting

"We are close!We both have to keep going"
Ryan said worried

Ryan took a cloth and tied it tight around where the bullet was.

"Come on, I'll help you.I won't let you die here"He said putting me on his back

"Are you sure?"I said while holding on

"Yes"He said and started to walk

Minutes had passed and no other bullet was fired.We were now close to New York.We were an hour away.
But in the condition I was in it might take longer.And I didn't want to be carried all the way.

"I think I'm good"I said sliding off his back

"Are you sure?"He said letting go

"Yeah, let's...keep going"I said giving him a small smile

He nodded his head and helped me walk the whole way there.My eyes grew heavy but I kept them open.
I knew I was limping but it was the only thing I could do.It's like they are targeting me.
Only because of my demon type.Which I had forgotten about this whole time.
But I don't think it would work here at least to my knowledge.
Looking at my phone we were 30 minutes away.Turning around I saw a guy with a knife.
I pushed Ryan and moved out of the way before he could stab me.
But he had made a small cut.Punching the man in the face he then fell on the ground.
Taking his knife I threw it far.
Ryan stood there shocked and grabbed my arm and dragged me.

Then out of nowhere a big pain in my back appeared out of know where.Falling to the ground I was bleeding from my mouth and my chest.
Ryan fell by my side.

"Leave me, go find someone"I told Ryan

"No I can't leave you!"Ryan cried

"I don't want you to die, Ryan go"I said slowly

"I can't!You got me this far!"Ryan said trying to pick me up

I coughed up blood and my throat began to burn.

"I want you to know that you are the kindest person I met in my life.And you didn't try to abandon me.Thank you Ryan...For everything you have done.But I can't survive..just go, leave me"I said before losing my breath.

"No!STAY WITH ME!"Ryan yelled

"I...love...you..Ryan-"I said before my vision became blurry

-Ryan's Pov-

Tears filled my eyes.Picking up Rusalka I ran as fast as I could, I was now in New York.
Running on the sidewalk I looked around and saw a hospital.Running in I immediately got help for her.

"We will take care of her, you come us"The nurse said

And I followed.Hours had pasted by and I was worried.I hadn't heard any news for Rus.
I was already cleaned up but all I wanted to know if Rus was alright.
Then the doctor came.I shot up hoping for good news.
But the doctor didn't look... happy.

"So how is she?"I said worried

"Unfortunately, she didn't make it out alive.
She was close and muttered a few words but she is now gone.You may visit her before we get rid of her body"He said sad

"She...she's gone~"I said my voice quivering
"Take me to her!"I said crying

The doctor nodded and took me to her room.
I opened the door and I saw her lifeless body.
I was tired,scared,now sad.
One of my very best friends I had was gone.

"Take some time I'll be back in a few"The doctor said before shutting the door.

I slowly walked to her body and sat next to it.
Tears ran down my cheeks.My eyes burning and my throat hurt too.

"Rus...I, I never got to tell you how much I loved you too-"

The End

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