Earth Escape

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-Rusalka's Pov-

"Ryan, I know this is sudden but...would you..."I said getting cut off by a shadow

"Huh?"Ryan said confused

"I'll tell you later but right now we got to go!"
I said grabbing his wrist and ran towards the city

Running into the city, I dragged Ryan with me.
Making sure he wouldn't get lost.Going into the woods I let go of his hand.

"What was that for!?"Ryan said confused

"I saw a shadow and it looked like a guard figure"I explained "But right now we either one stay here or two go back up to earth"I said

"Isn't earth safer?"Ryan asked

"Have you even been on earth?"I questioned

""He said

"Well earth is safer than here to say the least"
I said walking into the woods more

"Then I suppose we go to earth then"He said following behind me

"Great, because I already have everything to become an adult!"I said going to the splitted tree
"Okay, to get back to earth you want to step in between the parted tree"I explained

"Is that it?"Ryan asked

"Yup!I'll go first then once I'm gone you then copy what I do"I said

Going in-between the tree I stood there.My eyes were closed.Feeling a tingle I then opened my eyes.
I was now on the ground, back in Canada.
Getting up I then heard crashing. Looking up I then saw Ryan.Standing there I caught Ryan.
Almost falling on impact I attempted to stay standing.
After regaining my balance I slowly put him on the ground.

"Ryan wake up"I said while shaking him softly

He slightly moved and began to open his eyes.
Getting up off the ground, I waited for him to be fully awake.

"Where are we?"Ryan asked while scratching the back of his head

"Welcome to earth!"I said with a small smile
"Come on, I'll show you around"I said

Ryan got up off the ground.Brushing the snow off of his clothes.Both of us walked through the woods.
Until we found the opened roads.Walking on the path I led him to my mother's house.
Grabbing the door handle I opened it.
Apparently it was unlocked.
Stepping inside Ryan did as well.

"Mom!"I yelled waiting for an answer

But no response was heard.

"Well this is my mom's house, just follow me to my room"I said walking to my room

Opening the door I welcomed Ryan in.
He slowly walked in amazed.

"This is your room?"He asked while his eyes glowed

"Yup, but it's been here ever since I was gone"
I said closing the door.

"You can look around or whatever but now I need to look for something"I said while checking under the bed

Ryan said nothing.Searching I attempted to look for my ID.Or at least my school ID.
Looking almost everywhere I didn't find it.
There was only one place left.
Going into the closet I found Ryan looking at my clothes.

"...Ryan, I'm just going to look through here if you don't mind"I said awkwardly

"Okay"He said while looking at the clothes.

Looking at the bottom drawer I found a box.
Searching I found my ID.And my driver's license.

"Yes!"I said out loud and shoved the drawer back in it's place.

Getting back up I held my ID in my hands.
Walking out of the closet I sat on my bed.
Calling the number on my ID I waited.

"Hello, this is the License company for students how may I help you?"The man asked

"Yes I was wondering if I could activate my license"I spoke

"Ah yes, we need the ID card and picture to reactivate it, text this number and send the ID please"The man said

Sending a picture of it there was silence.

"Ma'am this is a dead person's ID"The guy said

"Well Sir, I am the person who owns that ID"
I claimed

"May we ask you to see us at our building today?"The man asked

"Sure, I'll bring the ID too"I said

"Okay see you then"

Then the phone hung up.I sighed and got up.

"Ryan, just change into one of my clothing we got to go somewhere."I said going into my closet and chose a knew outfit.

"Okay!"He said while looking for one

Closing the door I changed and so did he.
Waiting he came out.Heading out of my room, we went to the front door.
Realizing I didn't cover my eye.Going into my room I found bandages.Quickly rapped them around my face.

"Ryan Are you done?"I asked yelling at the door

"Yeah!"I heard Ryan yell

Waiting for him the door opened.I saw him with my baggy clothes on.Then I slightly smiled, without realizing.
Looking away I walked out the door.

"Come on we got to go"I said before walking to the front door.

"Where are we going?"Ryan asked like a kid

"I need to go get my license reactivated"I said before taking my mom's car keys.

Opening the door I let Ryan go out.Then I followed right after him.Unlocking the car I got in the driver's seat.While Ryan got in the passenger side.
Starting up the car I waited for it to warm up.
While sitting there I stared at the controls.
I have to now remember how to drive....this is going to be great.

Next: Adults world

Not me writing this at 5am with no sleep too 🤭

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