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Child's pov

They seemed confused about what and who I was talking about.Well it's not the first either. Many people don't protect me in my 'child' form.She seems nice but if I turn against her she will hate me.And they don't push me aside unlike other demons in hell.
They might seem nice but in reality they aren't.Just like those disgusting humans in the living world called earth.
All I need to do is convince her to go to the real world.So I can destroy every, single, person on earth.Then I can become the strongest and they will ALL PRAY TO ME!
Yes...that's exactly what I have to do.
It will just take some time.But for now, I must watch to see how to make them trust me.

Rusalka's Pov

"What happened?"I asked in a sleeply tone.

"You were on the floor possibly asleep but who knows"Vaggie said

"I swear I was awake!How did I even end up one the fl...oor."I stopped my sentence.

"Oh my Goodness!How did you get a cut on your face?"Charlie asked

"I don't know...wait!I do know.There was some kid and this man.I saw them a few minutes ago before y'all were here.The man was trying to hit the boy with this glass bottle and I got in the way."I explained

"A man and a kid? couldn't be,it can't be-"
Vaggie mummered

"What?What is it Vaggie?"I asked concerned

"It's basically this demon who pretends to be a kid around the age of 7-10 years old. Apparently that 'kid' wants to take over earth and destroy every single person.And he wants to be praised and since he will choose a victim in hell he will blame it on the person he chooses.Then he will be the ruler or some type of god."Vaggie said

Child's pov

"ARE YOU FUCKIN SERIOUS!"I yelled out loud


It makes no sense how she could have possibly knew.After all these years someone is actually smart in hell.This is going to be a tough one.But if this Vaggie girl won't keep her mouth shut,then I'll have to take it upon my own hands.

Rusalka's Pov

"What the,how could that be?"I asked

"I have no clue but he's chosen a few people and people have told others and some have related to what you are dealing with right now."Vaggie said "But I think you should go get some rest for now.I advise you to stay in the break room just in case something happens like this again"

"Yeah your right might as well"I said rubbing the back of my head.

I went into the staff break room.Charlie had followed me into the bathroom to help me clean up the cut on my face from the glass bottle.I Before she had cleaned it I stared at the wound for a moment.

"Hell to Ruskla?You there?"Charlie asked

"Oh I'm sorry I was just looking at the wound for a moment"I said

"It's okay let's just get you clean up"

A few minutes passed by.Most of my face being covered by bandages.

"Hey Rus can I ask you something?"Charlie said

"Sure what's up?"I replied

"Why do you hide the other side of your face with your hair and bandages?"She asked

"Well,it hides what type of demon I am.Plus if I was mad I would turn into... something and possibly couldn't calm down until someone could stop me.But only if I'm angry of course"
I explained

"Well if you don't mind could I see what your other half of your face looks like?"

"Uh...I guess you can,but please don't make fun of me."

"Why would I?I promise you I won't!"

I shook my head up and down letting Charlie know I trusted her.Putting my hair behind my ear.I tried to calm myself down.I took a deep breath and slowly took off the bandages that now had once covered my other half of my face.
Half of my skull showing.I had no other eye. My other sharp teeth showed,and even where my jawline was.There was no skin at all.
I looked at Charlie she looked shocked.

"Y-Your a!"

"Charlie shhhh!"


"*Sigh* well I guess you do know I'm a Wendigo now huh?"I said upset

"Y-yeah I know.I haven't seen someone like this in decades.I guess you were a reborn of a Wendigo."

"You probably don't like me do you?"

"No,no, who said I didn't like you,no matter what type of demon you are it's mostly about your personality!I would never hate you"
Charlie explained "You know what Vaggie was talking about earlier right?"

"Yeah,what about it?"

"Well ever since the last Wendigo came around, that 'child' always chose a Wendigo to haunt.Your type is considered rare here in hell.If I would have known sooner than we could have helped you"

"What do you mean help me?"

"If we do online research then you could see why.But for now just like we said earlier you should stay here and get some rest"

"Oh..okay then"

"I'll talk to you later though bye"


Charlie had acted, differently than before.I supposed it was ever since I showed her what demon type I was.But it was strange of how she knew this information.That is child would go after Wendigo's or any rare demon type.
But just like Charlie said, there hasn't been a Wendigo here in decades.
So what happened to the other Wendigo's?
I think it's for the best if I do research.
I got up from the couch and covered my other side of my face with bandages.I looked in the mirror seeing if it hid the half of my face. Then I had left the Staff break room.
Quickly walking past by the others.I got my phone out of my pocket and searched for the nearest library.
After a while I had arrived.I opened the door and looked for the computers.Sitting down I had logged in as a guest.
I searched for "The last Wendigo"
Clicking on the website it provided the last Windigo to ever exist in hell.

          The last Windigo to Ever exist in hell.

      Many decades ago, the Wendigo species started to become extinct.But after decades, Wendigo's had slowly started to come back. Most coming from the place called earth. Where most of demons now came from.
All information about the last Windigo was about 50 years ago.
Since the population of Wendigo's had been dieing down quickly due to the extreme heat of hell, the last Windigo was Alie Rimons.

She was about 29 years old. Legend's still say that she may still be alive here in hell, but some others may say that she switchs between Earth and Hell.But Who knows when the next Wendigo may arrive.Could be in the next 100 years or less.We will only know if the spirit of the 'child' will come back and haunt the next Wendigo.But for now we must wait.

Written in 1972,March 23rd
Written by, Shawn Wurros

Next:The Search

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