The Hunted

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-Rusalka's Pov-

We had been driving for what felt like hours.
It was slowly turning dark.We weren't even half way there to New York.
But both me and Ryan had made a deal to take turns every 2 hours.
It was now Ryan's turn but he was asleep.
The time was 7:58p.m.
I was pretty tired too.But when I make a restroom break I'll wake him up.But that was in the next 35 minutes.
Listening to music while the time flew by I saw the sign.
Making a turn I stopped by the restrooms.
Turning off the car I then looked at Ryan.
Shaking him lightly he then woke up.

"Huh what is it?"Ryan said tiredly

"We are at the bathroom, and it's your turn"
I explained

"Hmm, okay I'll go to the bathroom first and then we swap"Ryan said before getting out of the car.

Getting out of the car too I walked towards the bathroom.After a few minutes me and Ryan both get out off the bathroom.
Then there was a TV with news on it.Which caught my attention.

"Breaking News! Today in Canada a whole group of guards break into this one house near the woods.They are looking for two people but no one knows what they look like.
But all information we got was that they are wanted"

Then the channel had switched to a different one.Me and Ryan stood there shocked but didn't make a face.
I quickly went back to the car and sat in the passenger seat.While Ryan started the car.
We both headed off back to our adventure to the USA.
I sighed at looked out the window.Listening to music made it much better.Just like if I was in my own world.But then my eyes grew heavy and I had fell asleep.

I bolted up bothered by the yelling.Confused I looked at Ryan.
Then j realized we were on the side of the road.

"Fuck!Rus....I hate to break it to you but the car isn't working"Ryan said in anger

"How...never mind that I'll just call somebody"
I said pulling out my phone

Looking at my phone I went to call someone but there was no signal.

"You got to be kidding me"I said in stress

"What?"Ryan asked

"There's no signal"I said putting my phone away

"Shit.... now what"Ryan asked

"Well either we wait or we walk"I said

"Hmm we could try to see if anyone would help us?"Ryan said

"Sure we can do that"I agreed

Waiting Ryan tried to see if anyone would pull over to help.It was now dark.Only the blinkers we're on.I was worried if no one was going to help.
Plus if we stay here any longer they might catch up.Which is the only thing I'm scared about.Then Ryan sighed which meant he was either about to give up or tired of waiting.

"There's no use"Ryan said in defeat

"Then we have to walk then"I said

"In the dark!?"Ryan said panicked

"Look do you want to be killed and caught by guards?"I said trying to reason with him

""Ryan said a bit scared

"Exactly so we got to keep....moving"I said while looking a good mile behind Ryan

"Ryan...we got to go now, they are fucking here!"I whispered to him

"Shit!"Ryan said looking behind him

Me and Ryan walked quickly down the highway in the dark.All we had was our phones and some essentials in a back pack.
My heart was pounding, they were a mile behind us.
Both of us walked what felt like hours but only 30 minutes pasted by.Which was insane.

-Time skip-

The sun was now rising, me and Ryan both had walked all night.Not even stopping once.
It was to risky, due to how fast they were catching up to us.
Not checking my phone for a while I pulled it out.It was 7:39 am.
We were close to the border.Which I wasn't sure how we were going to pass it without a car but we needed to get away from them as far as possible.
I sighed and Ryan looked behind him.
And I looked as well.No one was there.I slightly smiled and kept walking.
Until I heard a gun shot behind us.Me and Ryan ran as fast as we could.
Hearing more gun shots we kept running away from the sound.
Seeing a whole wall and some cars we ran towards them.
A guard had stopped us before we could speak.

"Woah what the hell are you two kids doing out here!?"The guard said in confusion

"Our car broke down and then we heard shooting so we ran here"I said trying to catch my breath

The man sighed and called the police.
Taking out my ID I showed it the the man.

"You two go ahead The police will be on their way"He said letting us pass

Me and Ryan smiled and started to run into America.Now we were officially in the USA.
But we both could still hear the gun shots from behind.
We both looked at each other and began to head to New York.

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