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The sky was filled with grey as I walked discouraged into the dark tattered Hale House to find Derek, a boy , standing as if he was waiting for me. The boy was familiar, handsome, tall, wearing a scarf which I found rather odd as Derek was in workout clothes, I was in thigh high boots, jeans, and a sweater, an outfit similar to Erica minus the leather jacket. She was so differnt now, black lining her eyes, hair petrified into wind blown curls. I swallowed hard as I looked up into the eyes of the handsome boy "I'm Isaac" he said "I'm Blair" I asked "You look familiar is your brother is Stiles, and Scotts is your boyfriend right?" he asked raising his eyebrow "We need to work" Derek commanded. I sneered and turned back to Isaac and whispered " I'm Stiles twin but Scott isn't my boyfriend" We started to workout. We started to practice fighting "So your free?" Isaac said as I threw a punch at him, it him square in the chest, I started to laugh and he tackled me catching me off guard "Are you?" he said inquisitively "Maybe" I said playing with him. Erica turned around saying " Isaac stop it. Your never going to get a girl as beautiful as Blair, me, or any girl for that matter." snicker. He slowly climbed off of me and helped me up. "Sorry" he said smiling. "Fight me now" Derek commanded "And no talking, some of us are too interested in their social life then learning to stay alive" he said staring at me and Isaac, I leaned over and punched Isaac in the arm, I saw his face distort a little, showing me I hard caused some pain, I smiled to myself as we all charged at Derek I caught him off gaurd and was able to knee him in the stomach and punch him twice but before long we all ended up falling to the ground, failing our task. "Pathetic, can't you show me something...unexpected" he said. Erica stood, ran up to Derek and jumped, wrapping her legs around his waist pulling him into a kiss. It felt as if a stone dropped in my stomach. Derek quickly reacted and threw her off of him and walked out "What was that?" he barked "Something unexpected" she said innocently, "What did I say about not dealing social life here" he said as he walked into another room therefore ending our training session, but not before Erica yelled "You said nothing about our sex life!" "Your so dead" Isaac said walking out of the house went I was following him out " You want to go get some food" he said, "I would love" I started, when I felt cold fingers wrap around my forearm, it was Derek. "No" he hissed from the shadows, he lead me to a room where we sat on the couch. "Sorry I'm just kinda out of it today" he told me scratching the back of his neck "Why? Because of Erica" I asked questionably, he shook his head and said "No just everything" i nodded and he added "It's just hard I don't really have anyone to turn to when I get angry or anything." "I told you Ill be here for you" I reassured him, cutting him of from finishing his sentence, smiling. It was getting late it was already dark "I better be getting home it's already 11" I said "Ok I have to go get some stuff so I'll follow you out." he told me pulling on his leather jacket "No I think your trying to follow me like a stalker to protect me" I said grabbing a gun "Yup that's it exactly" he told me, opening the door, placing his hand on my lower back, shoving me out of the house. "No I don't need you help" I said pushing him into the door. There was rustling in the woods, Derek seemed focused on me though, and said "Ok but if you get killed. I'll tell Scott that you didn't let me help. How do you think that will go over, losing your lover because you were too stupid to have me help." "He's not my lover. I'm with..." I said gritting my teeth together. "With who? Who do you think told me to bite you? And do you think a relationship between an eighteen year old girl and a twenty four year old guy is really going to work out?" he replied with a chuckle. His icy fingers grazed my cheek, I was getting angry "At least he has a chance unlike you" I said pushing him away from me. Now I saw motion out from my perrifial vison. "Erica?" I said into the dark. A women with tumbling brown hair stepped forward. Derek whipped his head around, then turning around covering my body with his. "Hi Derek. Long time no see" she said stepping forward "Who's this" she said pointing her long sharpened nails at me " Kate "Derek said with conviction in his voice. The woman now had a name, it sounded familiar "The girl can surely speak for herself Derek" Kate responded. Derek looked back at me. I gripped the gun tighter, it was cold to the touch, I didn't know this Kate woman but I could sense danger. From behind Derek I quickly took out the gun and shot her in the arm. She growled and turned into a wolf-like creature but she was purple. I continued to shoot her. My vision slowly darkened around the edges until it was all black, all I felt was my body hit the ground. I slowly started to regain conciseness, I was against the wall, held by two creatures, covered with bones. I shut my eyes trying to avoid looking at them, they looked like the worst of my nightmares. I started to wolf out, my claws grew, and my mouth shifted from the growing fangs. "Look who's awake." Kate said, Derek was bound by the creatures as well next to me. "Let go of me" I yelled thrashing around. The bone covered creatures just simply lifted me a up a few feet from the ground, but I didn't stop resisting. "It was nice to meet you Blair" Kate said starting to walk away, the creatures dropped me and Derek. Angry, Derek was about to charge, when Kate turned around. "Goodnight" she said followed by a booming noise sound throughout the house, I tipped over and fell to the ground, I reached my hand down to my stomach, when I removed my hand it was covered in blood, my vision started to turn black around the edges again. "Derek" I shrieked but he was already by my side. He lifted me into his arms. The last I remembered was his sweet scent, and the rough, hard pounding as he ran.

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