"I'm Always Here For You"

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"Stilinski you can leave" my last period teacher said getting off of the phone. Both Stiles and I stood up and made our way to the door, "Only Blair not you Stiles" she added, Stiles hung his head low disappointed, not able to evade the pop quiz she was handing out. I walked to the office, and checked out. I started to walk to my car in the distance against the blue hue of my car was a yellow rectangle, a parking ticket. "Oh no, oh no" I said running to my car, my high heels clicking against the pavement. I finally reached the car. My eyes glazed over the ticket, when I reached the reason for the fine it read, "Looking too fine. Will you go on a date with me?" it was signed "Jordan Parrish" I started laughing. Jordan jogged up to me from the other side of the parking lot where he was hiding probably watching my reaction, He wrapped me in his arms, his warm embrace made me feel safe "So is that a yes?" he asked his lips brushing my ear,  "Yes" I said snuggling close into his shoulder, a feeling I have been waiting ages for. Pulling away slightly looking into his eyes as they flashed a fluorescent orange. I giggled, grabbing his hand and pulling him into my car. After a minute of driving he said "Honestly you would have gotten like five speeding tickets already. I think I should drive next time" smirking "And now I'm having second thoughts about going out with a deputy" I said raising my eyebrow looking over at him with a serious look on my face "I just want you to be safe" he said smiling. Lost in the road going up the coast, I was alarmed to feel the touch of his hand on mine, jumping back "Don't worry it's just me" he said placing is hand over mine again, his thumb drawing circles to try to help me calm down. I smiled at him. We were driving up the coast as I saw there was a picnic basket in the back of my car. We got the beach just in time for sunset. We walked hand in hand onto the warm sand, the sky was a shade of pink. He laid down a blanket and took out some food from the store. "Sorry I hope you don't mind I'm not the good of a cook like you, so I just got some stuff from the store" he said shyly "Don't worry about it I'm just happy I'm here with you" I said sitting down next to him. We ate our sandwiches talking about our days, trying to avoid talking about the assassins, and for moment I forgot about them as we both finished up our food. I laid my head down into his chest as we watched the sunset disappeared into darkness. " Do you just ever try to forget?" I said as his hands became entangled in my hair, "Forget what?" he said I felt his heart started to beat faster. I got up from lying down " Everything" I said breathing fast, my voice got higher, he got up worried and wrapped a blanket around me. "It's ok" he whispered I pushed the blanket off of me. I felt his arm wrap around me "Your under a lot of stress. I'll drive you home" he said helping me up "I'm fine" I said "It's been a great date and it's late" he said. We made our way to my car, he helped me in. We drove in silence, his hand never leaving mine. "Thanks" I said getting out of the car and leaning in kissing him quickly before I ran inside to my house. Closing the door, I started to think about the night in the graveyard, thank god stiles wasn't home, I knew I needed to talk to Derek. I knocked on the door to his loft it was a two mile run but I was having a panic attack.  A shirtless, covered-in- sweat Derek opened the door, my eyes gazed over his abs and defined muscles "What are you doing here?" he said " I need help" I said looking into his eyes.He looking me up and down then opened the door wide to let me in. The place was nice and well furnished "I texted you. Called you." he said I swallowed hard and said " I can't stop thinking about it. I'm scared. My price went up to 24 million. I'm scared." I said my voice cracking. "Blair it was self defense he would have killed you" he said leading me to the couch "No I didn't have to. I bit the wire it broke, he might have had a gun but I could have gotten his leg or something I didn't have to kill him" I said crying. "Blair it's ok" he said standing infront of me. "If Scott, Stiles, Lydia, even Liam found out I would have nobody" I said trying to stop the tears as I stood in front of him. He rolled his eyes then said "You'll have Erica" then he added "And me" I looked up at him and wiped away my tears. "Thanks Derek" I said "You can stay the night if you need to Peters out of town so the spare bed is open this time. Think of it as an apology." he said as I made my way towards the door. I turned and said  "Derek do you remember what happened" "What" he said "Last time" I I sighed before walking straight up to him "In the middle of the night you wrapped around me. When I tried to pull away you said Paige stay. You miss her even now after all these years. Don't you" I said looking into his eyes they were filled with sorrow. "Yeah it was all my fault. It wasn't self defense. I was just greedy." he croaked. Opening the door, I turned one last time and said "I'm always here for you"

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