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Sun shone into the dark room. I looked around I saw Derek, he must have just came out of the shower, his hair was wet. He walked over by the bed, I quickly shut my eyes trying to pretend I was sleeping, "Good you're up" he said smiling, I had failed. I gave him a small smile "Something wrong?" he added. I shook my head and croaked "Just stomach and full moon" " Don't worry" he said as he gave me a glass of water with a pill. "What is this?" I said more confidently "Just take it" he said. I plopped the pill in my mouth and swallowed I felt the effects of it almost immedaitley , I got up after a few minutes, I was wearing one of Derek's shirts, and pair of socks. I walked down stairs slowly. "You need some help" he asked his hand grazing my hip "No" I replied staring into his eyes, I hated being weak. I got down the stairs. I stumbled into the kitchen, I almost fell twice. "Are you sure you don't want help?" he asked from behind me "No Derek! I don't think you understand I don't want any help" I yelled at him. "I know this is the last thing you think I would ever say but, it's ok to get help from others" he said staying calm "You just don't understand Derek for once I don't have to rely on others!" I said turning away from him and walking outside with a coffee and donut in hand. I limped to my favorite spot in the woods, it was an old farmhouse it was beautiful inside, I slowly opened the big doors and walked inside "I knew you could come here" Derek said from a pile of hay he was sitting on. I was about to walk out when he said "Where ever you go I'll find you from the scent of my clothes" I looked down I still had his shirt and socks on along with my Ugg boots, I crossed my arms and legs to cover all of his accessories. "Or your perfume" he added. Red flooded to my checks. He came and sat next to me. I looked into his eyes pleadingly. We stayed quiet for a while, it was hard to take in. "Don't turn your back on people like I do" he said after a large breath "It's not to late to change" i told him. He stared into my eyes. "I better get you home" he finally said. I put my hand on his thigh stopped him, he looked into my eyes "No Derek you have a choice. Don't run from your past" I said "We are going" Derek said forcefully then picked me up in his arms and carried me to his car and he drove me to my house, still in his clothes. When I got out of the car he followed me inside to the house, I didn't care I wanted to go sleep. "Blair where have you been?" Stiles and Scott yelled wrapping me in a huge hug, which I yelped in pain. Derek pushed them off of me, I gave him a thankful look "What the fuck Derek" he yelled "We need to talk" he said to them, I fell onto the floor after Stiles hit me slightly when walking through the hall. Derek wrapped his arms around me picking me. Him looking into my eyes, made me nervous, I bash fully turned my glance from him. . He laid me down softly, and sat on the other side of the couch. Derek told them all about what happened. They all sighed after hearing the news until Stiles went on a rant about why was I there and how did this happen. My eyes started to fade. I slept, dreamless, my subconscious unable to fathom anything. I woke up to deep brown eyes staring at me, "Scott?" I said sitting up, "Your up" he said smiling. I immedaitley looked down at my stomach to see if it was ok. The bandages were taken off, otherwise it would be a good sign except my ribs were bruised a deep purple, and red. " Jordan was in a fire." he said he wrapping his arms around me. "What"I said confused before crying myself into a dreamless sleep.

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