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"Blair are you listening to me?" I was staring out her window, the moon was a perfect crescent bringing pale light, a beacon of light throughout the darkness of the town. "Of coarse I am" I said lying "Are you daydreaming about Parrish?" she said with a flirty voice but somehow remained serious, I started laughing, she stared daggers at me. "No I was looking at the moon" I said honestly "I think if Parrish isn't going to make a move you should?" she said making a ruckus behind me "Can you just shut up Lydia?" I asked turning around to look to see why she was causing a ruckus "Well he's going to be here any minute and I have to go get something from...Stiles...So..." she said nervously,I started to push her out the door of his apartment "Light candles, use..." she started to say until I slammed the door. My breathing was heavy, my back was against the door, I felt like the door was being pushed foreword when a husky voice boomed "Blair is that you, let me in", Parrish. "Sorry" I said getting up and opening the door" "Are you ok?" he asked with a concerned look on his face as he threw his car keys on the table "Never been better" I said pushing my light brown hair out of my face. "Isn't Lydia supposed to be here?" he asked with the slightest interest "She had to leave to talk to Stiles" I said, He disregarded it as we started to look through the old books. "Let's order some chinese?" he said after an hour of reading, I thought about Lydia's advice, "How about I make some food? When was the last time you had a home cooked meal?" I said getting up and making my way towards the kitchen, he scratched the nape of his neck and said nervously "Sure, my kitchen is yours" I smiled, getting to work. Jordan didn't have much in his pantry, mostly coffee and chips, however I did find just enough to make pizza, a swell as some sugar cookies. By the time I made the pizza and cookie dough, his whole kitchen was covered with flour,I started to clean it up before I proceeded with cooking when I heard heavy footsteps behind me. The heavy pounding got close enough for me to hear the wooden floors shake and creak, I turned around to find Jordan sneaking up on me. "Why are you sneaking up on me!" I screamed "I wasn't I was just coming to help." he said i calmed down and said "Sure lets roll out the pizza dough" I said smiling. I split the piece of dough in half, giving him the bigger half. I started to roll my dough, forming it quite fast into a square shape, my eyes shifted my eyes over to him, his pizza dough was ripped, shredded into millions of pieces, a awful base. He noticed my staring along with the wide grin written across my face "Obviously I'm not a good cook" he said laughing dropping his rolling pin. "No you aren't. You just need a good teacher" I said smiling, walking behind him, putting my arms around him, hands on his forearms, as they couldn't reach his hands, helping him roll out the dough. Once the pizza dough was rolled out we put on all the toppings and good stuff, and put them on the stove. I finished up everything while Jordan got plates. I took both of the pizzas out of the pan onto the plates, putting some arugula on top of mine. We sat down at his table with a book in between us. "Now isn't this better than fatty delivery food" I said taking a bite out of it "Only because your a good cook. How did you learn?" he asked savoring my delious pizza. "My mom had a bunch of old cook books and I used to read them, learning. It's the one way I can really connect with her" I said deep in thought staring at the mahogany table "She's in a better place" he said unsure flickering his gaze from mine, it's a difficult topic, I don't blame him for trying to avoid it. We finished our food talking about the ocean, after I insisted that I could no longer talk about the supernatural. "When I was little I always thought sharks were the coolest. Just like every other second grader who loved dinosaurs and sharks but I never fully grew out of the fascination " he said with a little laugh "I've always wanted to go swimming with sharks but I've always been scared to after I saw a shark when surfing, they are just so beautiful yet dangerous." I said looking up at him "Like you" he said quietly, I flickered my gaze away from him and walked into the kitchen and got the cookies,piling them all onto a plate, with two bags of icing in my hand. As I set them down he said "God I didn't even know that I had enough stuff in my pantry for this." smiling. I snipped the end of one of the bags and squeezed some in between two small cookies, and plopped the sand which in my mouth, while Jordan just ate the icing out of the bag. "Ok let's get back to work" he said, I reluctantly followed away from my food. We were looking at Greek mythology, he was looking at sirens, "Jordan you are not a mermaid, no matter how hard you try" I said trying to stay serious, he got up and started to pace around the small home office "No it just Lydia and you have been helping me for months and we still can't find anything it's discouraging." he said "Maybe your something new, we are going to figure it out" I said placing my hands on his shoulders, stopping him " I promise" I added pulling away and going to my purse "It's getting late I better go" I said making my way to the door. I was about to walk out the door when he said "Blair" I turned he walked up close to me, I could see his eyes crystal clear, his face was close to mine, hand on the wall next to me, he was on the balls of his feet, there was a moment of utter silence, no movement until he said "Just be safe it's kind of late" after a moment I said "I'm always safe , goodnight" as I walked out and closing the door behind me confused.

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