Chapter 23

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Eddie's POV:

Hen will come soon, Eddie thought... Soon we will go to Buckley's, soon i will see him, after 10 days of any contact i will see him again. When he left the hospital and choose to go with Maddie without a hello or goodbye, i understood why, but i couldn't and i still can't understand why he choose to break every contact with me, with Chris... Chim told me that he is in contact with everyone else, and that he is trying to remember everything with their help, but not me. He is ignoring my messages, my calls, he even ignores Christopher, and that is breaking his heart, mine to... I miss him, and i can't believe that he agreed to this dinner tonight..

"Dad!" - Chris yelled, bringing Eddie back from his thoughts... "Hen is here."
"Let's go bud." - Eddie said. "Let's to to uncle Buck." - he added and they walked towards the car...

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