Chapter 26

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Buck' POV:

"Uncle Buck!" - Christoper screamed soon as they entered the apartment.

Buck smiled and wanted to jump on his feet, but his numb legs didn't let him. His smile faded as he realized that.

"I missed you uncle Buck!" - Christopher said and huged him.

Buck returned the hug, sad but at the same time happy because they were here, Eddie was here, and Chris was in his arms after so long.

He glanced at Eddie and smiled, trying to figure out how to talk with him alone, because he couldn't wait anymore, he wanted him more than anything.

"Let's eat." - Maddie announced, and they followed her into the kitchen.

Dinner went calmly, with laugh and memories.

Buck really enjoyed being with friends and family, and having nice evening, but he wanted Eddie alone and didn't knew how to do it discretly.

After some time he announced that he is tired and exused himself, asking Eddie to help him to his room.

Eddie accepted gladly and helped Buck to the room.

Soon as they entered, Buck asked him to sit next to him...

Eddie did as Buck asked, confused and worried, he didn't knew what's on his mind.

Buck took a deep breath, and looked deep into Eddie's eyes. Here goes nothing, he thought.

He leaned towards Eddie and closed his eyes.

Eddie figure out what he is doing and went for it, he waited for so long, and now there is nothing to lose.

The kiss was mutual, soft and most beautiful ever.

Buck was the one who pulled off...

"Sorry." - he said. "I had to."

Eddie looked at him with fire in his eyes.

"You..." - he said. "You know?"

Buck closed his eyes and nodded.

Eddie smiled and went for more, putting his hand behind Buck's head.

Author's Note: This chapter is dedicated to girly_maddie

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2023 ⏰

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