Chapter 6

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Eddie's POV

"Maddie!" - Eddie screamed her name and ran to her.
"Maddie! Hey, hey, girl talk to me!" - he said and shaked her.

He heard "HELLO"... Looked around himself and saw Maddie's phone on the floor. He picked it up and answered with confusion.

"Hello?" - he said.
"Oh, hello..." - the voice said. "Is miss Buckley okay?"
"I don't know." - Eddie replied. "She is screaming her brothers name and shaking. What is wrong?"
"I am calling from hospital." - woman replied. "Mister Buckley had a car accident. May i know who are you?"
"Wait! What? Car accident!?" - Eddie shouted. "Is he alright?... You know what? Forget it, we are coming." - he said and hang up.

He huged Maddie, and whispered "Everything will be okay, don't worry, Buck is our strong boy." Then he shouted Hen's name.

"God, Eddie!" - she said, and saw them on the floor. "What happened?" - she asked with the terror in her voice.
"Give her something to calm, please." - Eddie replied. "Buck had a car accident and it seems serious."

Hen looked so confused, didn't knew what to do, but she menaged to the ambulance and took sedative for Maddie...

After 10 minutes, Maddie calmed, but she still was numb and whispered Buck's name. Eddie took her and they slowly walked toward his car.

"Pick up Chris for me." - he said to Hen, on their way out.
"Sure thing." - she replied. "Call me soon you have some news."
"We will be there soon the shift is over." - Bobby said. "Take care of her, please."

Oh, Buck. My Buck... Eddie thought. What happened to you my boy? How could you get in the car accident? You are always so careful. Oh, God please save him, don't let anything happen to him. He is the love of my life, my soulmate. Please God protect him for my sake, for Maddie's.

* 20 minutes later *

"Goodafternoon." - Eddie said. "We are here for Evan Buckley."
"Please sit over there, and wait." - said woman behind the desk and pointed on the bench. "I will call his doctor."

They waited, only God knows how long. The team came hours ago, and the doctor never showed up... Suddenly Eddie jumped on his feets.

"Doc." - he said.

Beautiful, blonde woman walked toward them. The team gathered around Eddie, only Maddie was still sitting...

"Buckley family?" - woman asked.
"Yes." - Bobby replied. "We are his co-workers, his family. I am captain Nash, please tell us everything. Is Buck okay?"

The woman took a deep breath and replied:

"I am doctor Ryder, and yes mister Buckley is alright, in coma but he is okay. The surgery went well, better than we expected."
"Coma?" - Eddie whispered.
"Yes, he suffered head injury and we had to put him into clinical coma. Next 48 hours are still critical." - doctor Ryder replied.
"Can i see him?" - Eddie asked.
"Only family, i am sorry." - doc. replied.
"I am family!" - Eddie shouted. "He is my brother, my..." - he shut on that, and looked around himself.

Bobby put his hand on Eddie's shoulder and squeezed, "Calm down, son." - he whispered.

"Please." - Eddie said. "Please, let me see him."

Doc. looked at the team and nooded, "Only 5 minutes." - she said, and walked Eddie to Buck's room.

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