Chapter 5

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Buck's POV

Texas? He is sending me to Texas? Because they are low on staff! Why didn't he sent Lena, or anyone else? Why me?

The thoughts run in Buck's head. He was so frustrated, so angry.

* phone rings *

"I don't wanna talk." - Buck said without even looking who is calling, and hang up.

I can't do this, i don't wanna go. I hate Texas, they are so Wild West and i hate cowboys. Maybe i should quit, find another job? I am good at baking, i could open a bakery?

* phone rings again *

Buck picks up, and shout at the person on the other side of the line.

"Wow, wow, calm down cowboy!" - Eddie replies.
"Don't call me that way!" - Buck shouts. "He sent me to Texas! Texas!"
"Calm down, Buck." - Eddie replies. "I will come over with Chris after the shift, and we will talk."
"Fine!" - Buck replies and hang up.

After he hung up, Buck continued to think about him quiting the job, about what he did wrong so he is punished this way. Because this is a punishment, nothing more...
Bobby didn't knew about him being late, Eddie was good in covering him up..

"This is to much!" - he shouts, grab his keys and run outta his apartment.

* 30 minutes later *

"Hello?" - Maddie answers the phone.
"Goodafternoon mam. Am i speaking with miss Buckley?" - someone asked.
"Yes, this is she, how can i help?" - Maddie replies.
"I am so sorry mam, but you are listed as emergency contact to Evan Buckley, and i am so sorry to inform you, but mister Buckley was in a car accident. Right now he is in the operation room, can you please come over here?" - the woman asked.

Maddie listened the woman, numb from pain, her heart stopped, breath gone...

"BUCK!" - she screamed, and fall on her knees, dropping the phone with still open line, tears rolling down her face she continued to scream Buck's name...

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