Chapter 2

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Eddie's POV

Late again, Eddie thought, he will burry me alive with all this lying. What will i lie now, if Bobby catch me, i could lose my job.

"DIAZ! Did you saw Buck?" - Bobby asked.
"Ummm... Yeah, he was here 5minutes ago, i think he went to buy muffins." - Eddie replied.
"Muffins? Are you serious? Since when Buck eats muffins?" - Bobby laughed.

- Eddie took a deep breath and tried to look calm. -

"You know, i think he is pregnnant." - Eddie replied.
"Not funny, Diaz, not funny." - Bobby said. "Tell him i need to talk to him, when he comes back."

I swear to God i will kill him, Eddie thought, before he kills me, or get me fired for lying.

*phone rings*

"Where the hell are you?" - Eddie screamed as he picked up.
"I need little more time,please. The traffic is horrible." - Buck answered.
"Dude, you will kill me." - Eddie whispered, "And just you know, you are buying muffins, and you are pregnnant." - Eddie laughed.
"What?" - Buck answered with confusion. "How do you mean pregnnant, i'm male you idiot!, I can't be pregnnant. But i can adopt if we... ummm i find the right girl." - Buck answered and hang up.

Did he just said "we", Eddie thought. What does he mean with "we". Does he like me, the way i like him, or he just tried to joke. When will i be able to get out of this "closet", will i ever be able to confess him my feelings.

"Hey, Eddie?" - Maddie called. "Did you saw Buck, i really need to talk to him, he's been acting strange lately and i wanna know what's going on, i'm scared."
"Yeah, he just went to buy something." - Eddie replied. "Why scared? Is there something you wanna share?"
"No,all is fine, i just need to talk with Buck." - Maddie replied. "Will you please tell him to visit me after work?"
"Yes, sure, soon he's done with Bobby, he asked first, sorry." - Eddie smiled at Maddie.

Does Buck have some dark secret, so Maddie is worried, Eddie thought. Did something happen before and his strange behaviour make her worried, and scared. I could ask him, but that would be poking my nose where doesen't belong. I wish i can tell him, but how would he accept it, he is straight and i don't wanna ruin our friendship. That would break Christopher's heart, and mine too.

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