Chapter 9

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Eddie's POV

Does he really love me back, Eddie thought. He must, Hen said so, she doesen't have any reason to lie. Soon as he wakes up, i will tell him...

"Hey stranger." - Maddie said behind his back. "How are you?"

Eddie turned to her, and softly smiled.

"Hey." - he said. "Come sit with me. How are you, that's the question?"

Maddie smiled, and sat across him.

"Good." - she said. "How can i be?" - she added. "My brother is up there, in coma, fighting for his life, so yeah i am good." - she said, and you could feel sarcasam in her voice.

Eddie reached for her hand...

"It's good that you are sarcastic and funny in these hard times." - he said.

They both smiled...

"What can i say?" - she said. "You know me."
"He will be okay." - Eddie said, and squeezed her hand.
"I'm not that optimistic." - she said. "He has a really bad brain injury. I talked to doctor Ryder, she said that next 72 hours will be critic. He could wake up, with memory loss, or not to wake up at all. I am afraid Eddie, he is the only family i have." - she took a deep breath.
"He will be okay, Maddie." - Eddie said. "He is strong. He will make it, and you have me, 118, we all are your family. Never forget that, and Buck will wake up, sooner as you think."

She smiled at him, but you could see how fake that smile is. She really was worried, Eddie too. He did believe that Buck will make it, but he was damn scared for his buddie, his love. They sat there, in silence, only God knows how long.

"You should go to him." - she said suddenly. "He would love to hear your voice, you know he can hear everything."

Eddie just nooded, and they walked to Buck's room...

*10 minutes later, in Buck's room*

"Hey buddie." - Eddie said and sat near Buck's hospital bed. "How are you?" - he smiled. "Well that was a stupid question. You'll be okay, i know that. You are my strong boy. I love you so much."

He sat there in silence for a while, thinking about everything. Thinking about how selfish he was, because if he told Buck how he feels, he probably wouldn't be here, he would take care for both of them.

Suddenly, the monitors start to beep. Buck's heart stopped... The whole world stopped... Eddie jumped on his feets in shock.

"BUCK!" - he screamed.

Doctor Ryder rushed into the room with medical stuff. Someone took Eddie, dragged him out of the room. Someone closed the door. You could hear doctor Ryder yelling what to do. Eddie looked at closed door and screamed Buck's name, fist punching into the door before he colapsed on the floor, crying.

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