Chapter 8

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Eddie's POV

Down in caffeteria, Eddie followed Hen to their table. He was lost in his thoughts, broken, the pain was enormous... He was scared for Buck... He didn't wanted to lose him, he loved him. Loved him more than his own life, he realized... He didn't cared what people will say, what his parents will say, and they were strict Chatolics... He cared only for Buck now...

"You need to eat something." - Hen said. "Come on Eddie, he will be okay."

Eddie looked at her, his red eyes were full of tears...

"Not hungry." - he replied, and looked down at the table, crossing his hands.
"You have to." - Hen said. "When was the last time you ate? Think about yourself, think about Christopher."

Eddie looked at her and sighed...

"I should call him." - he said, and started to search for his phone.
"Calm down." - Hen said. "He is okay with Karen, and it's already 1 A.M." - she took his hand, and looked deep in his eyes. "Talk to me."

Eddie took a deep breath, he didn't knew what to say. How to explain that he is in love, in love with Buck. Regular, straight guy, he met one year ago... Guy that changed his life from the bottom... Guy who was not only his best friend, he was much more than that... Love of his life... He didn't knew he is bisexual, before he met Buck.

"I don't know what to say." - he replied. "I really don't know Hen."
"You love him, right?" - she said. "Don't try to deny it, i can see it in your eyes. I saw the way you look at him, how he look at you. That's pure love Eddie."

Eddie looked at her confused...

"What do you mean." - he said. "The way he look at me?"
"You can tell when and how someone loves you, by their actions, they behaviour, and Buck loves you... I am sure in that." - Hen replied.
"Not the same way i love him." - Eddie whispered.
"The same way." - Hen replied. "Remember the Engagement Dinner by Athena? When he got drunk?"

Eddie nooded. "Yes."

"Well sweetheart, before Maddie took him outside, he shouted "I LOVE THAT GUY." and pointed at the room where you took Christopher to sleep.
"That doesen't mean he loves me the way i love him." - Eddie replied with sadness in his voice.
"True, but Maddie told me that later that night, he confessed to her that he is in love with you. Only he doesen't remember anything, so you can be the one who will make the first move." - Hen replied.

Eddie was shocked, how easy was to talk about all this, and confused, because he didn't knew what to do. Yes, he wanted to confess Buck, he already did back in his hospital room, but again he was little afraid.

"He should say something." - he said.
"Agree, but maybe he is also afraid of your reaction just as you are afraid of his." - Hen replied. "Now, when you know it, tell him when he wakes up, you don't have nothing to lose, just to win."

"I have to." - Eddie replied.

He smiled when he looked at Hen...
Buck loves me back, and Hen is right, i don't have anything to lose if i confess him. Soon as he wakes up i will tell him, no matter what happens, no matter what my parents think. I love him, no more hiding...

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