Chapter 7

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Eddie's POV

Buck in a hospital bed was the last thing Eddie expected to see. Ever... The hurt he felt was enormous. Broken bones, bullet wounds back in Afganistan were piece of cake. He didn't felt such pain when Shannon passed away... But seeing Buck in that bed, with all that tubes, monitors, break his heart into milion pieces...

"Buck." - he whispered.
"Five minutes Mr. Diaz." - doc. Ryder said, and left him alone...

Eddie slowly walked to Buck's bed and sat down on a chair near by. He took Buck's hand, and squeezed hard.

"Oh, Buck... My Buck..." - Eddie said. "What happened to you my boy? How did you end up here? What did you think when you sat behind that wheel? God... This hurts." - Eddie said through tears. "I don't know can you hear me or not... But i need you back in my life. I need you Buck, i need you. I love you." - Eddie whispered and one single tear rolled down his cheek. "I wanted to tell you that i love you, but i didn't had the strenght. I was a coward, i admit that now. I should tell you, no matter what. I don't care do you feel the same or not. I would accept the friendship too, but please Buck, please just come back to me, to Maddie..."

"Mr. Diaz" - doc. Ryder said. "The time is up, i'm sorry."

Eddie looked at her and just nooded. His eyes full of tears he could not hide. He slowly walked out of the room and saw the team. They were upset and scared, you could clearly see that... Eddie looked at Maddie and broke, fell on his knees and started crying...

"He is dead?" - Maddie whispered. "Isn't he? ISN'T HE?!" - she screamed at Eddie and jumped on her feets.
"No..." - was everything what Eddie could say at the moment, he choked in tears...

Chim huged her, and tryed to calm her.

"Come up, son." - Bobby said and picked Eddie up. "Everything will be okay. Buck is our strong boy, don't worry about him."

Eddie was so broken, so hurted, it seemed like the World stood still...

"Christopher..." - he whispered...
"Don't worry, he is safe with Karen." - Hen replied and huged him. "Let's get you something to eat and coffee."

Eddie just nooded and they walked to caffeteria...

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