Chapter 12

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Eddie's POV

"Daddy." - Christopher said. "Hey dad, wake up."
"Chris?" - Eddie said, his eyes still closed.

Christopher touched his cheek and Eddie jumped on bed.

"What are you doing here?" - he asked, clearly shocked.
"Hen brought me, i missed you so much." - Chris said. "Are you sick?"
"No." - Eddie answered. "I am okay don't worry."

He looked at his son and hugged him thight.

"I missed you too buddy." - he whispered. "Where is Hen?"
"Outside." - Chris answered. "She is talking to a doctor, and she looks worried. They let me in so i can see you, i thought something happened to you."
"I'm fine buddy." - Eddie said and hugged him again. "It's uncle Buck, he is sick."
"Can i see him?" - Chris asked.
"Later." - Eddie replied and sat up, looked around and saw Maddie, still sleeping.

She looked so peaceful, even she was not. He could imagine what is in her mind. She still thought her brother is dead. She didn't knew that he is fine, so far.

"Maddie?" - he called, and she mumbled something. "Maddie!" - he said little louder.

She opened her eyes, and whispered Buck's name, looked around and saw Eddie and Chris on the other side of the room.

"Hey." - she said. "What happened? Why are we here?"
"That's a long story." - Eddie replied. "How are you?"

That was a stupid question, Eddie thought, how can she be...

"Dizzy." - she said. "Is Buck really..." - she couldn't finish her thought, she started crying.
"Daddy says he is sick, i'm sorry aunt Maddie." - Chris said and went to Maddie, hugging her.
"He is okay now." - Eddie said. "Hen told me they had to put him into clinical coma again, but he is okay."

Maddie took a long breath of relief...

"That's a good news." - she said and hugged Chris back. She was relieved, her brother was alive.

Someone opened the door, and they looked in that direction. Bobby came in, and the whole team. Maddie jumped from bed.

"No!" - she screamed. "That can't be!" - she started crying.

Eddie also jumped, terrified...

"Everything is okay guys." - Bobby said, "Calm down."
"In fact, we have some good news." - Chim said and walked to Maddie. "" - he said and kissed her.
"Good?" - she whispered, and kissed Chim back.
"Yeah, good." - Hen continued. "Buck is awake, but..."

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