Chapter 4

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Eddie's POV

"Buck, hey." - Eddie reaches for him, but Buck only shakes his hand off and march out of the station, furious.

What the... Eddie thought. What is wrong with him? Did he got fired? Am i next?

Looking confused, watching Buck leave, Eddie decided to search for Maddie, maybe she knows what heppend.

After 10 minutes of searching, he found her outside, behind the station, smoking.

"Since when you smoke?" - he asked more confused.

Maddie jumped on her feets, throwing the cigarette on the floor, and stand on her.

"You didn't see anything." - she replied fast. "Chimney can't know, no one can. I am upset, scared."
"What happend?" - Eddie asked. "Is it Buck?"
"Yes, he is furious and he talk about packing, i am so scared." - she replied.

Packing, Eddie thought.. Did he got fired, and now he is thinking to leave the town? I have to tell him as soon as possible what i feel for him.

They stand in silence, both thinking about Buck.

After 20 minutes in silence, lost in thoughts they heard Bobby shout Eddie's name.

I am so done, Eddie thought.

He hugged Maddie, and slowly walked into the station, right to Bobby's office.

Without knocking, and any greeting he started with the apology, but Bobby cut him off.

"I don't know what is wrong with you guys today." - Bobby started. "First Buck, now you. I don't care about stupid apology, just listen." - he said, little bit angry. "Gather the team together, i have an announcment to make."

Eddie looked shocked, but did what captain said.

After 10 minutes, whole team was in Bobby's office, everyone were confused.

"So.." - Bobby started. "You all are here because i have to say that i decided to send Buck in Texas."

Everyone were shocked with this decision, and Eddie at most.

Texas, he thought, why?

"Captain Strand need help. His son got injured and it's in coma, and they need us. That's a new station, low on staff, they just started." -Bobby continued. "So, while Buck is there, Eddie will be my right hand, congratulations Diaz." - he smiled at Eddie. "That's all, now let's get back to work."

They all walked out, sad because Buck's leaving, but relieved nothing bad happend, except the poor Texas guy in coma.

Eddie walked out at last, he went straight outside with Maddie, and they both lighted up one.

"I don't really smoke." - Eddie said. "But i need one."

Maddie just smiled at him, not saying a word.

She was relieved that nothing bad happend to Buck, and Eddie was sad because his best friend is leaving.

What friend, he thought, love of his life...

He took his phone, and dialled Buck's number...

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