Chapter 3

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Buck's POV

What is going on here, Buck thought. Why is traffic this horrible, Eddie will kill me. He saves me everytime and i will never be able to pay him off for that. He is the best, and i love him so much, i want to tell him, i will tell him.

* phone rings *

"Dude, where the hell are you?" - Eddie screams. "Bobby is searching you, he might call you, something is off. Maddie is worried."
"I'm in 10 minutes there." - Buck replied, "I hope." and hung up.

What is that important that capt. Nash is searching for me already, and why is Maddie worried. Is Doug back, i hope not. That would break her her, she is so happy with Chim.

* after 20 minutes *

"Who wants some muffins?" - Buck yelled as he entered the station.
"BUCKLEY!" - Bobby screamed, "My office now!"
"Oh, O, someone is in trouble." - Eddie said and squeezed Buck's shoulder. "It will be okay."

Buck took a deep breath and walked to capt. office.

"Bobby?" - he said.
"Sit down, we need to talk." - Bobby said.
"I am sorry, i can explain." - Buck started, but Bobby cut him off.
"I don't know what for you are apologizing, and i don't care, listen." - Bobby said. "We have a problem in Texas, i talked with capt. Strand and one of their firefighters is injured. They are low on staff. New station, so i am sending you there for a couple of months."
"What?" - Buck said in shock.
"Yes, you'll be okay, you are one of my best and capt. Strand needs our help." - Bobby said and sent Buck away.

Buck slowly walked out, shocked and sad.

I just wanted to confess Eddie, and he is sending me away. This will have to wait, again...

"Evan." - Maddie called "Come here."

Buck looked in her direction, sad for himself, scared for her. That look, he know that look. She is scared, but not for her, for him.

"Hey, Madds. What's up?" - he tried to sound natural as possible.
"What's wrong with you?" - she asked. "You are the same as when Abby left. You have that look, bro. You are destroying yourself. Did someone hurted you? Is it Eddie?"
"What? Eddie? What?" - Buck said in shock. "What does Eddie have with all this?"
"I see how you look at him, i know that look on you. I see how all confused you are, when he is around. I know you, Evan. You are in love." - Maddie replied.
"In love? With Eddie?" - Buck said, rolling his eyes. "I can't be in love with him, i'm straight i don't have feelings for him Maddie! So, see you at home, i go packing." - Buck said and walked away, leaving confused Maddie behind him.

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