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Well that was one way to know where the Projectionist went. There were drops of ink on Meatton and the floor around him. Alphys looked up to where the ink was falling from, She didn't know how but the Projectionist was on the ceiling, and it saw her. There was a blood chilling screeching before it pounced onto her.

People would say Frisk has a sixth sense, a feeling that something was wrong. Any time a monster was in trouble before even they knew it Frisk would help them. The truth was, it was from knowing what would happen, when, and where. This time Frisk hadn't reset and yet something was wrong, they were watching meatton's tv show, when it had cut off, though they didn't turn off the audio, that's when Frisk knew something was about to happen, something not so good, and bright.

So Frisk ran to the lab, having the youtube channel on their phone, it only seemed to get worse and worse. They ran into Alphys house, and passed Undyne to where the lab was, which stunned Undyne for a second before realizing what this most likely meant. Undyne followed Frisk into the lab, unlocking the door where Alphys would work on Meatton from time to time.

Undyne flew open the door, seeing one of the creatures she helped, a giant skinny man with a projector for a head, however instead of being the quite creature who would stay in the back like he used to, he was making an ear piercing sound and was fight Meatton, who was fighting back with both Bombs and his own legs. Alphys was standing there shaking, terrified of whatever this thing that was fighting Meatton. Undyne Summoned a spear, and jumped next to Meatton ready to fight with him.

Each time one of them thought they were winning, the other would get stronger. Frisk watched knowing that one of them would seriously hurt the other, and so they yelled out.

Everyone turned to Frisk who was standing there with half of their soul out.

"Frisk what are you-" Meatton asked before being cut off from one of the screeches from the projectionist, "Rude."

Frisk stepped closer, and closer, and closer, to the Projectionist, ready to show them the light just like Sammy. That's when something wet scratched Frisk's face, Frisk slowly put their hand up to their face before slowly removing it, blood. Frisk was used to being hurt back in the underground, bombs, spears, bones, a flower creature with 6 human souls, but all of those things, everything back there had attacked Frisk's soul, they had forgotten what physical pain felt like. So maybe that's why they started crying, or maybe it was because someone they thought they could trust had lied to them. But whatever the reason was, it changed everything.

Undyne started yelling, how dare it hurt Frisk, the one human every monster knew and loved. How she'll make sure it could never even think about hurting anyone again. Meatton liked them at first good taste and how he would understand, but hurting physically was a big no-no to him and pretty of other monsters.

But yet, he stood there, just staring at Frisk, not moving to what the two were saying but just staring at Frisk who had quickly stopped crying. The projectionist started walking to Frisk, and even with Undyne and Meatton trying to stop him, he was able to quickly get past them, till he was right in front of Frisk.

He bent down to their level, raising his hand, and wiped off the bit of blood on Frisk. That's when Frisk could tell it wasn't the projectionist.

It was Norman.


Turns out being transformed into some kind of ink monster is actually helpful for a world now filled with all kinds of monsters. He was able to apply to get a house fully paid for until a new house was built in Ebott town for him, and a few lost ones. Until then the Lost ones, and almost everyone else in the studio would be trying to get back with family and such, it would be hard but if they ever needed someone to talk to, he'll be there.

Allison , Tom, and Henry were going to stay with Sammy until Henry was able to find a new place, he said he couldn't stay there, he'll still live close by but living in that house, with how much had happened, He just couldn't do it, He probably have the same fate as his late wife if he did.

It was nice, enough rooms and beds for everyone to have their own room, but there wasn't so much room that they didn't know what to do with the place. Henry did keep a good amount of things from his old home, Tom and Allison didn't remember much, or even had much so they just kept their room bare. Sammy had an old Banjo from the studio in his room as well as a desk and some papers to write music. As it turns out, being made of ink can actually be kinda useful in theory. Sammy tried writing a new tone one day, the day they got the new house, a day to remember, he didn't have any ink or anything so he wrote it using the ink his body was made out of, it wasn't painful quite the opposite actually, though once he got done writing, he left to go and pick up Frisk from Mk's house, but when he came back then went to bed before making sure the ink had fully dried, but to his surprise even after 24 hours the ink was still not dried. He decided to give it a few more hours and yet still nothing.

Sammy sighed sitting down on the already ink stained couch. He had a lot on his mind, everything that happened, what happened to his coworkers, him even, where was Joey, how much time had truly passed, where was Joey now, and Susie. What happened to her, most lost ones remembered a few things though none of them knew what happened to her. He doesn't want to think about it, but what was most likely true was that well... she never even formed or if she did and if she was a cartoon character then, well there's a reason why every character avoids the ink in the old studio. But yet last night Sammy could hear her old voice, singing to him, he could make her out but it was fuzzy, she knew it was her though even with black hair, down in a bunch of curls.

"I have to go back to the studio," Sammy thought out loud.

Sammy noticed that Henry had sat down on the couch next to him.

"Are you sure? We don't know half of the things that might've been there we didn't see," Henry said, putting a hand on Sammy's shoulder.

Sammy nodded, "You're right there's things we didn't see, that's why we need to go back, we can find clues on what happened to Joey and I can," Sammy thought for a moment before finishing, "I can find some more of the missing workers, we got a good idea on everyone but yet there's still some we can't find, I want to know more, I need to know more."

Henry looked at him, before sighing, "Well I suppose it won't hurt, as long as we bring lots of rope, and when I say lots I mean a lot." Henry chuckled.

Hi so I decided that at least for me this week will be bendy week basically I'll just post a chapter of Bendytale each day for the whole week! So stayed tone anyhow who else is excited for the dark revival tomorrow! I know I am!

Bendytale-A new home, book 2Where stories live. Discover now