The return of Sammy

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Willow froze, she never thought that Audrey would feel the same way about her. She pulled her into another hug laughing and feeling tears forming in her eyes. She can't remember when she felt this happy before, but she did now and that was all that truly mattered in that moment. In all the time Audrey had well lived both as a normal person and part ink creature thing she never thought she'd find love. She always felt left out seeing so many others falling for each other and yeah she had crushes but they were never like this, she never felt like she would never be able to live the same without them like she did for Willow.

"Yayy so happy and cute! Now can we go ahead and get out of here or whatever that janitor would say." The Bendy toy said waving his cute little Bendy hand at the two.

"Yeah no I can't get over how there's just a living toy here like who could make that happen?" Chara laughed a bit.

"Joey." it looked up at them.

"Makes sense, anyhow nice to meet the two of you. I'm Chara the great and wonderful! Oh yeah over there is my lame sidekick Frisk, don't mind them." Chara said, using a hair knife to point over to Frisk.

"Still not your sidekick"

"Yes you are, anyways how about you two?" Chara asked.

"Oh I'm Willow and right there is Shawn Flynn! It's nice to see you two again!"

"Wait we meet you... oh right we met you before wow that was a while ago almost forgot about you," Chara laughed at the last part it really had been a bit since all of that happened.

Everyone stood there for a second not really knowing what to do, it was a solid minute before anyone said anything.

"Sooooo you guys wanna try to find Sammy?" Chara asked.

"I'm good with that!" Frisk said before walking over to a cell door.

Frisk pulled down the lever only to see that it was empty, there was ink all over the place and there was something written in well ink, though Frisk couldn't see what it was.

"Oh not Sammy," Frisk remarked.

Chara opened the cell next to it and that's where he was.

"Sammy!" Chara said Frisk ran over to their father figure.

"Frisk, Chara, what are you doing here?" Sammy asked getting off of the chair he was sitting on and putting down the banjo.

"Looking for you!" Frisk remarked as everyone else walked over.

"Let me get you-"

"Don't. The "keepers" are all around here, it's not safe, not yet at least. Keep on going, I'll find a way out on my own," Sammy cut Heidi off he didn't want to risk anyone getting hurt, or even worse.

"There weren't any outside when we met Heidi! We can just go back that way and find someway to get back and then-"

"Frisk, I'll be okay, I just... look you need to leave now. I'll get out soon, just promise me one thing." Sammy said kneeling to be on eye level with Frisk.

"What?" Frisk asked, putting their hands on the glass that separated the two.

"Stay safe." Sammy said before standing back up.

Frisk nodded and also stood up. The gate that separated the cell from the outside world came back down. Frisk stared at it, they wanted to tell him everything, no they needed to tell someone, but yet they couldn't, and they knew that fact.

Frisk looked over to the lone door to the other side of this prison, there were two doors on either side, the one that Frisk had came through just a few moments earlier and that one. If there were Keepers here they had to be in that room. So without even really realizing it Frisk started walking towards it, they blocked out the others asking them what they were doing, Frisk knew that they had to help Sammy, and well they were going to do just that.

"I'll talk to Frisk, you two go ahead and go," Audrey said walking towards Frisk.

Willow, Shawn, and Heidi walked out and well Audrey walked further in trying to get Frisk to listen to them which didn't work.

Frisk opened the door, and there was one of the keepers, guess Sammy was right with them being around here. Frisk felt compelled to walk towards it, maybe if Frisk just tried talking they could work something out.

Audrey screamed when Frisk was knocked out, quickly getting knocked out herself.


Both doors quickly slammed shut and no matter how hard everyone tried, the door to where the savors were held wouldn't open. They were trapped outside while Frisk, Chara, and Audrey were all trapped inside.

"Willow! So good to see a familiar face here!" A voice called out.

Willow turned around, waving to her was Toriel, next to her was Sans, and a strange creature. It was more human like then the Keepers but it was still mechanical like, it had wires coming out all over its body, and it had a bright hot pink speaker in the middle of it inky chest with glitter all over it as well on his body around his speaker, but the strangest thing was the projector that it had as a head. Willow froze, she hadn't seen anything close to this thing, until she remembered the news about the beings here being freed, and seeing him on the news next to Frisk.

"Okay so I think we should run, that thing is going to kill us" Shawn half whispered since he was so small being well a plush Bendy.

"Oh Norman! He actually showed us here, he thinks Frisk might be here!" Toriel said, walking even closer.

"They're trapped in there with my cousin Audrey!" Heidi said in a cheerful tone pointing behind her at the closed door.

"What! Are they okay?!" Toriel half screamed hearing the news.

"We don't know, Frisk just kinda started walking to a door after Sammy said there were keepers and Audrey went after them and then the doors closed." Willow said looking down, she really hoped Audrey was okay, she just got a date with her and now, it could be completely gone.

"So I need to take this door down?" Norman asked, one of the things on his very short list of things he was thankful for was the strength of this new body.

He didn't wait for a response before tearing down the door with his full strength, he threw one of the parts to the side while the other half stayed there exploring broken locks and wires.

"And you see that's why you don't pick a fight with the projectionist." Shawn remarked as they all walked through.

Bendy ran up to them and hugged Willow's leg tightly, so tightly she thought that she might lose circulation.

"Don't worry, Bendy, we'll find them soon." Willow said, rubbing in between his horns.

Bendy didn't want to be separated from them, not again, he couldn't lose Audre again. He knew that she was important to him for some reason but he couldn't tell why, he did know that he didn't want to be that far from her. Bendy felt something forming in his eyes, he was confused but soon realized what it was.

It was tears.


hey so update uh going to be posting only once a weak now mainly because of just how busy I been. I'm getting closer and closer to finishing the last chapter of this story but as well getting closer to starting something new, me and a close friend of mine are planning out a fic its get this a crossover and it's going to be between Amphibia and batim/batdr we're going to be taking turns writing every chapter and because of that fact we don't know when she's going to get done (slow writer and chapters are very short) but there be two chapters posted every update so stay tuned for it!

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