The Keepers

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It was a small room with no doors but lots of screens and vents inside of it that Frisk and friends stepped into. Frisk noticed what seemed to be a small censor on the ground, it was slightly raised and had a place where you could put your feet, Frisk knew just by looking at it that it was bad news. Chara was walking over to it, and before Frisk could stay to be careful or that they had a bad feeling, Chara stepped onto it.

The monitors came on flickering to life and on them all showed the same looking creature, it appeared to have some kind of weird cartoon submarine mask that was glowing, its arms were mechanical, and it had glowing lines on its dark inky body.

"New test subject detected." It said as Chara froze up, "analyzing danger levels."

"Oh uh danger levels, you don't have to worry about-"

"Stand still to be able to complete the analysis."


"Ask them about Sammy," Frisk whispered behind Chara, making sure to keep their voice low.

"What- Why would I? You can!"

"Trustttttttt me."

"Fine. Uh hey look me and some of my friends here are looking for a guy called Sammy Lawarince, do you by chance-"

"Test subject is dangers release toxic fumes."

"I mean technically I don't need to breath, and uh also rude-"

Frisk grabbed Chara's hand as Audrey used some of her powers to break open a vent and the four of them, Audrey, Bendy, Frisk, and Chara climbed through avoiding the toxic fumes.

"Okay so we know to avoid those guys, they don't want to talk about Sammy, which is really bad for me because he is like the only person I can even think about as a father figure!"

"What about Asgore?"

"I prefer Sammy."

"I prefer goat dad."

"The both of you two focus! We need to keep on going we can't risk-"

"Can't risk what? Coming across the ink demon?" A new voice said.

Everyone turned around, the ink demon was standing there laughing.

Everyone ran as fast as possible, Audrey found a locker she was able to manage to crawl into with Bendy, while Frisk and Chara kept on running.

"Frisk, hang on, I have an idea!" Chara said once they came across a two way path, "You go to the right and I stay here till the demon comes and then go to the left, okay."

Frisk nodded and ran to the right side, Chara just hopped that Frisk wouldn't get that far when the ink demon came, in truth Frisk barely ran, and just hid behind some boxes so he wouldn't see her quickly if he did turn to face the right side before running for Chara. The ink demon came running and while he was confused why Chara waited till he got there and would see where they were running to he didn't see anything on the right side and so he chased after Chara. He didn't know for how long, but still it was fun finally chasing something almost as fast as him, and him not having to slow himself down to have a bit of fun. This was true until Chara disappeared through the walls.

"Good thinking Chara!" Frisk said as they ran back to where Audrey and Bendy were hiding to see their friends again.

"You two are safe!" Audrey remarked hugging the two tightly, it felt oddly familiar.

"Only thanks to Chara," Frisk giggled.

"Told you I'm the smart one,"

"And I'm the good looking one!"

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