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"Joey" Frisk said looking up at well Joey Drew, Frisk knew it was him but it made no sense he should be older, no he should be-

"In the flesh well kinda," Joey Drew said, with his arms out and a giant smile, that made Frisk angry inside how could he look so happy when so many people had suffered from him.

Chara at this moment didn't care about Joey, no all they could think of was how could Frisk see Joey Drew, it was impossible the only demons a human could be was if they were a host to one human or if they had summoned them and even still that be only one human. So how could Frisk see Joey Drew?

"How about the two of you come up here?" He said with his smile, Frisk had a mission and so they did.

"How did you do it?" Frisk asked in a more serious tone than they had in years.

"Do what?" He asked back, walking forward.

"Make all of this, turn EVERYONE who worked here into ink creatures?" Frisk said keeping up with him.

"Well there were tests, most failed..." Joey looked down avoiding eye contact.

"Why did you want to do these tests? Why did you do all of this?" Frisk demanded from Joey, they weren't here for half answers, they were here for answers, full answers and they would get those answers no matter what.

"To make the perfect Bendy, after the failure that was what kept me going,"

"Look, I'm going to cut to the chase, do you know how to reverse the effects? How to get everyone back to normal, I need to know." Frisk said as they entered a small bedroom looking area.

Joey looked down his smile finally dropping, "I wished I knew, but I'm afraid to say I don't,"

Frisk sighed, everything they had worked for, everything they had sacrificed for this moment, everything that with that one sentence gone to complete waste. But yet it felt like Frisk knew this answer for a very, very long time, they knew deep down that well that he his answer, that he wouldn't know how to bring them back. That Joey wouldn't be able to help, that Frisk would need to find another way, but no they had tried that, the only thing that they could do was make it worse, made it so there be no hope at all. Frisk would have to look here to try and bring them back.

"Well, thank you anyway Mr. Joey Drew." Frisk said looking at him with a small smile, they had to be as kind as possible because if they were then maybe just maybe Joey might help a bit.

"You can just call me Joey, oh and one last thing before I must go, head to the old gent building it might take a bit, but trust me it'll be worth it," Joey said walking towards a door before turning around to look at Frisk.

"Wait Joey- I" frisk started but before they could even barely start Joey had disappeared.

Frisk just stared at where Joey once was, before feeling something start forming in their eyes, tears. No Frisk you can't waste time, there's no time for that, you have to go forward, at least now you have a reason, even if you don't know what that reason is for.

"How?" Frisk heard Chara ask, Frisk turned around, they had almost completely forgot Chara was here.


"HOW COULD YOU SEE HIM!" Chara yelled, but they weren't angry no they were confused, and now Frisk was to.

"What do you mean Chara?"

"He, he's dead, he's a demon." Chara stopped for a moment looking straight at Frisk, "and you are not his host neither could you have summoned him, so it's impossible for you to see him."


Bendy recognized him, Bendy once upon a time knew him, and for just a single moment Bendy remembered him. Bendy remembered everything but just as quickly Bendy remembered, Bendy forgot. But that didn't stop Bendy from jumping out of Audrey's arms and running to the man and pulling on his right pant leg, because that was the only one he could.

Bendytale-A new home, book 2Where stories live. Discover now