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"So what uh how are we supposed to get back to the others?" Frisk asked as they walked into a big, open room. Frisk was getting prepared mentally for a fight of some kind.

"Vents of course!" Chara laughed looking for the nearest vent, however it was too high for anyone other than Chara to reach, they sighed trying to find something else, and they did.

"Hey look, it's the ink machine! I'm going to turn it on." Chara joked, moving one of their finger closer and closer to a switch with a big smile and nodding their head.

"Chara do not." Frisk shock their head.

"Oh come on can't laugh at a joke!" Chara laughed about to move their finger.

All of a sudden a loud bang came down which shocked all of them, Chara flung to their side, the side where the switch was, they accidently pushed the switch up.

"THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS CHARA! Frisk yelled out pointing to the ink machine turning on.

"I didn't try to turn it on! I was just playing around. I didn't mean to do anything actually bad!" Chara defended themself.

"Look either way the ink machine is now on. Though maybe if we turn it off before anything comes out-"

A giant anchor came out of the ink.

"Maybe if we turn it off nothing else can come-"

The anchor broke the on and off switch and whatever was in the ink by the ink machine started to come out.

"THERE HAS TO BE AN EMERGENCY STOP BUTTON SOMEWHERE!" Audrey yelled out trying to run to the ink machine.

The doors slammed shut.

The monster fully came out of the ink, it was a messed up and deformed ship-ahoy dudley, but instead of being the cute little boy it was deformed instead of two working legs it had crab legs, it's spine was shown and was somehow able to hold up all of its upper body weight.

Chara quickly flew and tried to stab it, but it was already a step ahead and grabbed Chara, it pulled the knife out of their hand and threw it into the ink, before it threw Chara into the wall knocking them out.

Frisk ran to Chara and started to try to shake them awake yelling out their name, they were so distracted that they didn't see the monster about to kill them.

Bendy ran up, trying to block it from reaching his family his friends. Audrey ran up next to him, she couldn't let the only family she had left die so soon, not when she had just found them.

The monster laughed before bending down and going to grab Bendy. That was until a grow was heard, it was loud and scratchy, it sounded somewhat wet, it was the ink demon's.

Audrey gasped and tried to walk closer to the wall but her foot hitted Chara's side causing the kid to make a soft grown.

The ink demon tilted its head and started to walk closer to them, until he saw the perfect Bendy being held up by this nightmare version of ship-ahoy dudley. He roared at it before running over, he got to work quickly first tearing off the arm that was holding Bendy, he then pulled off some of his legs, hearing his screams brought Bendy joy so he tore off more of them, the creature went limp- still breathing just barely. Bendy snapped its neck, killing it in a quick move. The ink demon then walked away dragging its corpse off to who knows where.

Audrey had looked away from the scene, she was scared, she had never seen anything like that happened before. But Bendy, oh he has seen it over and over again and again, he was used to violent deaths by the ink demon- wait how did he know about the ink demon killing others?

Bendytale-A new home, book 2Where stories live. Discover now