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"Well this is great." Frisk thought, looking at the giant hole in the ground.

"I'm going to jump down it" Frisk said looking down, what harm had falling down a hole ever caused Frisk in the past? If anything it had made every part of their life better, no more bullies, no more surviving on whatever Frisk could find, no more "curses". But yet if they didn't then maybe, just maybe they wouldn't even think of their past anymore. No Frisk, it's just one small hole worst cases you could just reset again and find some other way or maybe-

"Helloooooooooo, uh, is anyone there?" Frisk heard a friendly voice call out.

Frisk and Chara both nodded, and Frisk ran over to where the voice had come from. There was a lost one, who wore a pair of goggles on his head as well from what Frisk could tell some rope on his shoulder, the only reason why Frisk couldn't be 100% sure was because he was stuck in some sort of pipe with ink keeping him in place.

"Well hello there! Uh do you think you could possibly help a lost one out...?" He asked with a small chuckle.

"I can sure as well try!" Frisk said with a smile, in truth they were trying to think of some way to help him out. Frisk reseted plenty of time not wanting to make it that much more awkward for the lost one, each and every time they said the same thing if not being nicer each and every time.

After a long while of resetting and trying to help only to reset again. Frisk brought out half of well their soul to reset again, but this time still sitting next to the lost one. That's when the ink slowly started glowing red from the soul being near, and in a moment of pure curiosity Frisk brought their half closer and closer, only for the ink to disappear causing the lost one to fall down.

Frisk knew that their soul, that their determination had something to do with the ink, that was how they were able to get Sammy back to normal, by almost doing a reset so close to the ink, only for his soul to light back up for the first time in what Frisk guessed was a long time.

But no matter that now, for in a split second Chara had grabbed Frisk's hand and started flying down at full speed laughing like crazy, while Frisk was stuck not screaming, but still not laughing or smiling. Chara landed on the ground still laughing but standing still, Frisk on the other hand could barely stand up still let alone be laughing. To be fully truthful Frisk wanted to throw up, though with only monster food in their stomach aka no food, they couldn't throw up.

"Thank you very much, my name's Porter, how about the two of you?" Porter remarked once Frisk had an okay balance on the ground.

"I'm Chara! I'm the funny one! Everyone loves me like have you read the comments of the first story? They LOVE me. I'm like a whole mood and a half!" Chara introduced themself, "Oh by the way, my sidekick only uses they/them pronouns, and I mainly use they/them. I don't mind if you use she/her, he/him, or any other pronouns you can think of for me."

"Chara, hmmm how about I call you... hmm how about Frisk! I think it'll suit you a lot better!" Porter said in a happy tone.

"Uh funny story my name is actually Frisk, and uh also I am not their sidekick, also what do you mean by everyone loving you in the comments?" Frisk remarked.

"Oh nothing, just some 4th wall breaking for fun." Chara laughed.

"Hmm frisk? No, it doesn't suit you one bit, how about... Chara!" Porter said, pointing his finger up with a happy tone.

"I can live with that," Frisk- Chara said, after all they had gone by Chara back in the underground, and that was weeks of being called Chara instead of Frisk, so what harm could being called that a bit longer cause.

Bendytale-A new home, book 2Where stories live. Discover now