The end...?

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Frisk looked out of the small airplane window, looking down at all of the clouds below them. They had been flying for about an hour and had only an hour left. To say Frisk was excited would be an understatement, they could practically jump out of the set and run around the whole airplane and still have energy left over.

"First class huh? Guess Willow really does love Audrey." Chara laughed looking around the plane.

"I mean it is a big event so I can see why." Frisk remarked looking at their friend.

It had been about three years since the events back in the studio had happened, so much had changed and yet so much had stayed the same. Frisk had been living with Audrey their now legal garden back at Audrey's home, it took some work to make it look nice again but they did it together, with the help of Frisk's soon to be second mom Willow. Frisk put on their headphones and started playing a game on their phone. It was dumb but it helped pass the time because before they even knew it the plane was landing.

Quickly they left and Willow called a taxi, the three of them all got in, Willow and Audrey sitting right next to each other and Frisk still looking out the window this time just at the city as it turned into trees as they got closer and closer.

"Trying to get there before the big opening?" The taxi driver remarked as they got closer and closer.

"You could say that." Audrey stated, holding Willow's hand.

"Well I wish you all a lovely time." the driver said as they pulled into their destination.

Frisk took a deep fresh breath of air, it felt so nice and relaxing after so long. They looked around waiting for someone to come, and someone coming they did.

"It seems like you arrived early." A familiar voice said.

Frisk turned around, to meet the person to whom the voice belonged to, a friend of theirs, someone who maybe they only knew for a bit, but the two both thought of each other dearly.

"Bertrum!" Frisk remarked, running up and hugging their friend.

"Suppose we are a bit early, oh well." Willow laughed checking her phone for the time.

"No matter, it just gives us more time to wait for the others." Bertrum remarked, patting Frisk on the head.

Toriel, Sans, and Undyne all came next, hugging their friends and saying their welcomes, next came Norman who Frisk also hugged and then came a very familiar car, and someone very familiar came out of the driver's seat.

"Sammy!" Frisk called out hugging their friend tightly.

It had been three years since they last saw each other, Sammy, Flowey, and Susie all stayed looking for anyone else to help only recently had they managed to complete their goal of finding everyone. Sammy had long blond hair with hints of a dark black in it, blue eyes with golden sparkles, and a prosthetic leg since while he and all the other workers looked how they did before they joined he still had lost it to the ink demon, the only thing that could change how someone looked for good.

"Frisk!" Sammy laughed, hugging Frisk back, it had been so long since he could care for this one little kid he sometimes thought of as his own.

"So you're Frisk?" Susie asked holding a flower pot, Susie had most memories of Alice but a good few she had forgotten one being how Frisk even looked like.

"yup!" Frisk looked at the pot, "Flowey." Frisk whispered softly.

"Hey." Flowey remarked, you would never hear Flowey say this but he somewhat had missed Frisk, but only SOMEWHAT. He definitely didn't lay awake thinking about how if he could reset how he would have apologized to Frisk beforehand.

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