The ink

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Frisk saw it, Frisk touched it, Flowey also touched it, and yet Frisk was confused. How could there be this smaller ink machine? How did Joey get it? But at the same time they knew the answers to all their questions, they knew everything and yet nothing about the tiny ink machine. But they knew where to go.

Frisk looked to the kitchen, to the small door in the kitchen. Frisk knew they would have to enter the room, they knew what was behind it but didn't at the same time. It was strange for them Frisk was used to knowing everything that would happen before they would reset and no nothing before they would reset. But yet even though they didn't reset yet it was as if someone was telling them clues about what was going to happen.

Flowey had the feeling as well, like someone was giving hints into their life. Flowey hated the feeling of not even being able to control his own life. Flowey didn't say anything as Frisk walked over to the door on the side of the kitchen as Chara and Norman followed Frisk over to it. Frisk opened the door and then, they were back where they had started.


Toriel opened the door to the small apartment. Everyone started looking for Frisk and yet they found nothing other than some ink stains on the ground. Most of the doors were locked and were even stronger then Undyne, the doors which weren't didn't help them finding Frisk. That was until they went into a door to the side of the kitchen.

Somehow they were transported back to the studio and even after trying to reopen the door they couldn't, even Undyne who did the same thing as before. It was odd, the floor that was completely broken before was now where they were standing. The group decided to go exploring, see if there was anything at all they could find, before splitting off into three groups of two.

Sans and Toriel would go explore the first floor, Alison and Tom went to try and find another way out, and Undyne and Willow went to see if they could find a deep part of the studio without falling around 10 floors down a hole that is no longer there.

Undyne went around trying to find any other way to go and after not seeing any other way, went to try to break down doors. Willow followed not really doing or saying anything, that was until they heard a noise. Willow followed it walking slowly to where the noise was coming from, at first they didn't know what it was but then they realized it was a child crying. Willow started running to the noise, seeing a massive room Willow somehow missed before. She followed the noise to a small door which led to the second floor of the room. That's when she found it, no them.

A small kid wearing a blue and purple striped sweater softly crying with another trying to comfort them and a flower talking about something she couldn't really understand. Willow walked over to the kid and sat to be on eye level with them even if their eyes were shut closed.

"Hey is everything okay?" Willow asked, putting a hand on the child's hand.

The kid looked up and shook their head before going back to crying, holding a small locket in one hand and a plush of Bendy in the other.

"Well can you tell me what's wrong?" Willow asked scoting to sit next to them.

"Long story very short lanky ink guy who was once monster became monster again after Frisk became friends with him and has run away to who knows where and we couldn't find anyone or anything else," A kid with wild hair wearing a green sweater with a big yellow stripe said.

"So they went down here to cry like some kind of CRY BABY! HAH!" the flower which was in a pot said laughing at the crying child.
The green sweater kid looked down at the flower before pushing it making the pot fall to its side and starting to roll which caused the flower to start screaming about how it hated all of them and that it was joking and can't yall take one joke.

The kid who pushed him started laughing and the kid who was crying couldn't help but to laugh a bit as well. That was until he started rolling towards the giant hole in the middle of the room. Everyone started bolting to the flower, which scared him for he did not know his fate and so he jumped back, pushing him backwards into the hole.

Everyone stared at each other with mortified faces, then back to the hole, then back to each other for a minute at least.

"HEY WILLOW WHERE DID YA GO?" Undyne yelled from another room before running into the top part of where they were.

Frisk knew not only would they have to find the projectionist, Sammy, and Henry and well now Flowey, but they would have to do the thing they were most scared of. No right now you will tell them how we need to go down and how Frisk had the perfect plan to do so, even if it meant bringing the ink demon back.

Frisk doesn't know how they were able to convince everyone to try and restart the ink machine, the only two who thought it might be a somewhat bad idea were Alison and Tom and even then they were helping out. Frisk always had a feeling of something bad happening and knew the ink demon somehow wouldn't come out of the ink machine, no they would find something in it, and Frisk knew they would have to find it.

Alison and Tom didn't go in not wanting to risk the ink, everyone else went in. Sans cracked many jokes, Toriel laughed at them all, Undyne was laughing at a few, Willow just nodded with a smile, but Frisk and Chara were on a mission, no Frisk was Chara was just forced to follow along with them. Frisk looked around everywhere in the ink machine, come on everyone had to be around here somewhere.


I could hear her. I didn't know her voice, but I knew it was her, I knew who it was, my angle. I could hear her talking to me, I followed the voice and Sammy followed me but he didn't have his angle, she had died, he couldn't hear his angle anymore but I could, and I needed to find her.

I walked to a four way crosswalk inside the machine, to the left and right I had no idea what was there but in front of me I saw a small child, three actually. Two I knew Chara and Frisk, the other had long black hair and just the cutest little smile and the biggest green eyes just like myself. I knew though his angel was not her, she was once her but now she is older, and yet I couldn't stop smiling at her.

"Is that you dad?" She asked looking up at me, I nodded before going in front of her and giving her the biggest bear hug I could.

I saw in the corner of my eye Sammy talking to Frisk, I didn't know what he was saying, and I couldn't care, I was going to see my angel again.
"I know I'm not real," She said with a faint smile and a tear in her eyes, "Step backwards, I know you want to see your real daughter."

Others came walking in talking about something I couldn't understand. I just smiled and got up, I took a deep breath, stepped back, and then I was one with the ink.

Don't worry my angel, I'm here for you.

I'm sorry I couldn't see you grow up my daughter.

I hope I be able to see you now


————————- So what did y'all think? This is probably my favorite chapter because tbh everything before this has been kinda setting up to this last scene, with well Henry, oh and then Flowey basically dying, anyhow uh if you are reading this how abo...

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So what did y'all think? This is probably my favorite chapter because tbh everything before this has been kinda setting up to this last scene, with well Henry, oh and then Flowey basically dying, anyhow uh if you are reading this how about you check out my tiktok darken_hollow, I mainly post Gacha club videos but also some art if I'm feeling special! But yeah see you tomorrow!

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