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Kenya pov: delivering one baby was hard, but now I'm about to deliver 3. I'm so scared and I hope everything goes well.

Damon:(helping her walk the halls) why you so quiet ?

Kenya: I'm nervous

Damon: you got this baby , we did it before and we can do it again

Kenya:I know, but it's three this time

Damon: you're gonna be fine

Damon pov: I walked kenya back into the room and she got back in bed. After about 10 minutes she started contracting more frequently and then it was show time. One by one they popped out. We couldn't stop smiling, the adorable blessings we just received.

Damon: you did it baby (kisses her )

Kenya: are they okay ?

Damon: they're fine(smiling)

Kenya pov: I was exhausted, the nurses cleaned me up and changed the bedding then left me alone. I couldn't keep my eyes open. The medicine had me so tired plus the pushing.

Damon:baby gone to sleep, I know you're tired

Kenya: I wanna see them(closing her eyes)

Damon:(laughs) they'll be here when you wake up

Toya: you talked to your dad today?

Imani: earlier, he's at the hospital with mama K , she's supposed to have the triplets today

Toya: oh yeah he did tell me that

Imani: can I go see them once they get home?

Toya: yeah of course

(Imani phone starts ringing)

Imani:(answers) hey grandma

Debbie: hey baby, I was about to go to the hospital and see the babies. Did you want to go?

Imani: ooh yes!

Debbie: okay, I'm on my way

Imani: okay

(They hang up)

Imani: grandma is gonna take me to the hospital to see them

Toya: okay

1 hour later:

Imani: walks in the room) hi daddy

Damon: hey baby girl

Debbie: walks in) hey hey

Damon: hey mama

Debbie:(stops at the sink and washes her hands) wash your hands Mani

Imani: aww mama K knocked out (washes her hands)

Damon:yeah she's exhausted plus she was in a lot of pain so they gave her some medicine

Debbie:congratulations baby (walks over and kisses his forehead) look at them precious babies

Damon: thank you mama(smiles)

Imani:daddy don't be trying to replace me now(walking over to hug him)

Damon: of course not

Debbie: what did y'all name them?

Damon: baby A is Kendall, Baby B is Diamond and Baby C is Kendrick

Damon pov: my mama and Mani stayed for about an hour and half. When they left I took a quick nap cause I was tired as hell. I didn't sleep none last night. I can't believe we got 3 newborns. This should be interesting.

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