chap: 142

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Currently, Hoseok felt as if he was going through a crisis. And the sound of pots and pans mixed in with the water running from the faucet in the kitchen did not make things better.

It was a cold Friday evening and for a solid 6 hours hoseok had been sitting on the couch on his laptop completing work. He hadn't went into the office today because nobody would be home with the twins had he did due to trinity needing to take care of something at the studio. So hoseok stayed behind with them, knowing that their dance class had been cancelled for the morning as well.

Stress wasn't even the word to describe what he was going through right now. But he had already fallen down the rabbit hole of endless work and he didn't see himself getting out for another few hours atleast.

"Hey baby can you go easy on the pots and shit? I can't even hear myself think!" Hoseok shouted so that trinity could hear him from the kitchen.

"Huh?!" Trinity yelled back. Not even five seconds afterwards, hoseok heard her throw the pot down on the stove which caused him to sigh.

"Fuck me." He murmured, rubbing his temples with his fingers as he stared down at the screen of his MacBook.

Trinity emerged from the kitchen, looking as confused as ever. "What's that you was sayin bubba? I couldn't hear you over them pots and the water." Trinity said.

"I asked could you keep it down a little. I'm trying to finish off this last bit of work and if that's not enough for you, the twins are napping." Hoseok murmured.

"I'm sorry. I was just cleaning up a bit. Dinner's ready as well." Trinity said, walking closer to the couch.

"I'll eat later." Hoseok said. And even then he wasn't sure of that.

Trinity pursed her lips. Beneath his words she could sniff a lie. Hoseok wasn't keeping up with his meals these past few days. Ever since what happened at his promotion party, he's been engrossed in work. Sometimes when trinity brought him a plate to eat his dinner she would come back an hour later and see that not a single piece of food had been touched.

She didn't like this side of him. She loved how hard working he was by there was a different between working hard and being a over worker. And right about now hoseok owned the over worker title.

"No you won't. You said that yesterday and you didn't." Trinity sighed, coming closer to stand between his slightly parted legs.

Hoseok kissed his teeth and looked up at her through his glasses. Yes, glasses. He really needed them if he was going to be staring at a computer screen already. So he invested in a pair before it was too late.

"Well it's a new day." Hoseok flung his words, spreading his legs even wider to accommodate her body standing in between.

Trinity frowned and looked off to the side. Hoseok thought she looked quite cute at the moment. Wearing a pair of his briefs and one of her cropped sleeveless shirts. The house was warm yet the round of her slightly erect nipples showed through the fabric. On her head was a neatly wrapped solid black scarf, studs in her ears and her little nose clip. She looked beautiful.

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