Chapter 1.

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(TW: vomit, little blood?) (words: 861)

No one pov:

Shrignold was laying on his bed looking up at the ceiling for a good 10 minutes.
He sat up with a bright idea and quickly got his stuff on and flew out the window of his room and went to a place in the forest with lots of flowers, it wasn't to far from home
5 mins on foot and 2 mins by flight
The birds were chirping and the early morning breeze hit the butterflies face

He shivers from the breeze 'holy Malcolm it's cold!' The butterfly thought to himself as he continued to walk to the flowers and sat down when he got to it. Hours had gone by but it only felt like a few minutes to him as he'd just been in his head the whole time picking flowers and making them into bracelets and crowns

Snap, Crack. Snap

Shrignold snapped into reality then turned around and saw Larry


Shrignold had been gone for a few hours.. it had got me worried sick and I've been looking for him for a hour "Shrignold! Where have you been?" I said as I ran towards him
He had a confused but quickly changed to a scared look when I ran towards him but calmed down when I embraced him

"O-oh! Um I've just been here.. it's only been a few minutes-" "FEW MINUTES? SHRIGGY ITS BEEN A FEW HOURS!" I unconsciously tightened my grip on him and only stopped when he let out a wince "s-sorry Shriggy.. I've just been so worried." I let go of him but Shrignold wouldn't look me in the eyes.. I hope he isn't upset with me.

Shrignold pov:

I blushed slightly and the tight grip and looked away when he let go

"I-it's fine! Don't worry!" I look up at him and into his eyes, his eyes were dark blue with hints off yellow in there.. almost looks like the night sky, very beautiful and mesmerizing "we should head home now" Larry said as he started to walk away then I only snap out of my thoughts as my face heats up more "okay.." I said as I ran up beside him

I feel something.. a slight burning sensation in my lungs but nothing to extreme but suddenly I cough harshly into my palm

"What the.." I mumble

A flower petal was in the palm of my hand with bits of blood on it.

"What's wrong??" Larry looked at me worried
"N-Nothing! Just.. nothings wrong." I said as I let go of the flower petal but I had the feeling Larry knew something was wrong.


I got to admit I was a bit worried about shrignold.. He's been acting weird for the past 3 months

(Time Skip)

"We're home!" I yelled to the house as I opened the door "finally! Now we can continue the show! Tony unpause it now!" Paige said while nudging Tony "fine." Tony huffed and unpaused the show.

No one's pov:

Shrignold went up to his room and Larry just sat by the couch with the others and watched the tv show (honestly just imagine any show u want.) shrignold started to have that burning sensation again, he wasn't to bothered by it until he felt something start to come up, ran to the bathroom, closed the door and threw up flowers of all kinds Into the toilet followed by blood.

Larry & Paige heard Shrignold and got worried so Larry grabbed the remote and paused the show "do you guys think he's okay?" Paige said with a slight concerned tone "Ah he should be fine!" Tony said a bit annoyed and tried to snatch the remote from Larry but he didn't let that happen "I don't think he's okay. I'm gonna go check on him" Larry said handing the remote to Colin and started walking up the stairs as Paige followed "I'll come with you" "Alright" Larry said as he looked down at them

Shrignold was about to pass out but shot back up as he heard the doorknob turn, as quick as he could he flushed the toilet and wiped his mouth with his sleeve "h-hello?" He said panicked as he looked up and saw Larry & Paige "are you alright??" Paige said looking at his sleeve that had blood and what looked like a flower petal "y-yes I'm fine! I- um... I-I think I'm getting sick! Yeah.. that's right" he gave a nervous look to them "are you sure? You can tell us anything" Larry said as he walked over to the butterfly "y-yes I'm sure! Now please leave me alone for a bit.. I think it would be awkward looking at me throwing up.." Shrignold said as he felt something coming up again and rushed them out the door but this time locking it.

(A/N. Thank you for watching! Means a lot and I will try continue this as much as I can. So far I don't have a story line or anything for this so yeah I will try and think of more stuff!)

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