Chapter 5

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(One month later)

<words: 1921>

Larry pov

It's been a month since our first date together happened, to be honest that was the worst thing that happened on a date that I've ever been on. We did go on a few more after that and it didn't turn out as bad as the first one.

"Larry. Are you okay?" I turned around and saw shrignold standing at the door with a concerned look on his face "yeah I'm fine, just a little sore" I said rubbing my leg "I see.. where is it sore?" Shrignold said walking towards me "just my leg but I'm sure it's fine! How are you feeling? Sore? If you're sore I can-" "no need" shrignold placed his hand on my cheek "I'm feeling much better now! So how about I grab you a heat pack and some painkillers and just rest today." Shrignold said attempting to lay me back down "no no it's fine! Really. It doesn't hurt that much." "Are you sure?" "Mhm! Now.. guess what?" I whispered to shrignold as I stood up

"What?" Shrignold replied in a whisper "I heard there was a monster nearby." I whispered getting ready to pick up shrignold "oh no! No you- AH!" I picked up shrignold and tossed him onto the bed "it's the cuddle monster!!" I said as I laid down next to shrignold making sure he couldn't leave "Lars- you silly! I got to check on the kids!" Shrignold squirmed "hm.. that's to bad. I'm tired" I said as I made fake and loud snoring noise "Haha! Lars!" Shrignold giggled "alright alright. Let's go check on the kids" I said as I got up with shrignold.

Shrignold pov

Larry started doing that cuddle monster thing once most of my scars healed up, it's cute and funny when he does it and he somehow always does it so gently.

Larry held onto my hand as we both walked down stairs to see Candice, Bay, and Doi. There are two other children but they like to spend time with their weird & creepy family so they don't really come here often unless it's to teach about family "Shrignold! Shrignold! I drew something for you and Larry!" Candice said grabbing a piece of paper and running to me and Larry "Ooo! Let me see" i said crouching down "here!" Candice handed me a drawing of me and Larry holding hands around flowers on a sunny day "it's so good, Candice! I love it!" I said giving her a hug "let me see" Larry said trying to look at the drawing "here!" Candice grabbed the drawing from my hands and showed Larry "oh! Candice i love it! Lets go hang it on the fridge!" Larry said picking up Candice as he started to walk to the kitchen "do any of you want to show me your drawings?" I said looking at Bay and Doi "look at mine!" Doi said handing me his drawing of him and his dad, Roy. "Oh! Um.. w-who is this?" I pointed at Roy "that's my dad! I don't see him much but i hope soon he will come over so I can show him this drawing!" Doi said with a big smile "oh that's great! We can hang it on the fridge so when he does come we get give it to him. Bay, we can hang you drawing on the fridge too! C'mon" i said picking up Doi and Bay. Bay was still kinda small so he wasn't so much of a challenge to pick up, Doi and Candice are the same age and height but are still small enough to pick up.

3rd person

(Few hours later)

"We're home!" Stanley yelled as he opened the door "dads!" Candice and Bay said at the same time as they ran to Stanley and Fred "hey kiddos" Fred said picking up Bay as Stanley picked up Candice "sorry it took so long. Paige wanted to look at art supplies, Colin and Lola wanted to check out some computer stuff, Gilbert walked off so we had to go find him, Warren was harassing people, Tracey got lost so many times and it was just hell" Stanley said walking to the couch "no no it's fine! Honestly I knew something like this would have happened." Shrignold giggled "hey Cliff.. Emmet. Can I speak to you guys?" Warren said in a sheepish voice "oh sure sure!" Cliff said talking in his sweet calming tone of voice as Emmet nodded.

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