Chapter 7

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<continuation of chapter 5-6>
(Also like they are gonna be humanoid from now on lol)
(Words: 719)

Shrignold pov

I woke up, my body is sore.. very sore. I feel the breeze hit my face as I sat up and looked around, I was alone.. Larry no where to be seen.. NOBODY ACTUALLY. The house is gone. Everyone is gone.. just.. the forest, this feels familiar

Like I've been here before. "you look lonely." I heard a voice echo throughout the forest.. a very familiar voice. I looked behind me and saw Malcolm "where you planning on going, Little one?" Malcolm said in a sweet and nurturing tone "I- um... who are you?" I spoke.. 'I know who you are.. why am I even asking? You- you ruined my life! Get away!' I thought.

Malcolm was dressed in his usual outfit when the love cult was just starting to become a thing, a flowing gown that you would see gods wear but it was pink, followed by a flower crown with beautiful red and white roses and some flowers going up and down his arms and legs, he was covered in beautiful jewellery, his ears filled with piercings and his neck filled with necklaces and gold shiny bracelets.. all of his jewellery was gold with bits of ruby, his piercing where heart shaped with shiny rubies also in the shape of a heart in the middle of it. He had no makeup on other than red lipstick but it really made his face pop, he had long hair but it was put in a lazy ponytail with rope holding it back. Malcolm looked absolutely divine.

"my name is Malcolm. What's yours?" He said walking towards me but not making a sound when he walked. My name.. what is my name.. god it's been so long since I ever thought of my past name before I've been called shrignold for so long "my name.. I.. I don't remember my name.." I said not taking my gaze off of him as he sat down next to me "shrignold." He said locking eyes with mine "what?" I replied with a awkward laugh following after it "your name is Shrignold. It suits you." He said giving me a soft smile, it was so addicting to look at.. he was perfect "o-okay." I said "there's lots of hatred in the world. It's a shame huh? I bet you are far from home. Any reason why you ran away?" Malcolm said looking up into the sky "my parents found out a secret of mine and.. well let's say they aren't happy about it.." I said holding my chest "what a shame. How about.. you live with me. Under a few rules.. you do as I tell you and you worship me, I'll teach you about the true way of love. And you pass it on to anyone who needs help." Malcolm said looking back at me "um... o-okay! That sounds fair!" I exclaimed 'NO NO NO! MY GOD! IM AN IDIOT! STOP!!' I tried to shout at myself but I couldn't say anything. I couldn't move on my own, I started to following Malcolm back to the clouds. I wanted to scream and cry for me to stop but as soon as we got up there something strange happened, most of this was a memory but I don't remember this..

Malcolm pulled me into a hug "you will regret this.. Shrignold." Malcolm whispered into my ear as I saw the clouds turn black and the sky blood red, glowing eyes can be seen behind Malcolm as the clouds start to produce blood, soaking my shoes in blood as I felt something sharp pierce into my back. "YOU WILL REGRET EVERYTHING" Malcolm screamed as everything faded into black.

I woke up in a cold sweat, still in a state of panic.

Larry wasn't in bed when I woke up, it was bright outside and I can hear laughing and talking from downstairs, the smell of breakfast filled the house.

"..What a hell of a nightmare.." I mumbled
As I went back to sleep.

(A.N: sorry for this short chapter. I didn't know what to add after he woke up so yeah! I hope this was interesting tho. Have a good day/night, bye bye!)

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