Chapter 17

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[words: 3321]
{TW: mention of smut?, cult member🤭}


+the next day+

3rd person

Shrignold hadn't gone to sleep yet but stayed up all night just thinking, he did do some more paperwork throughout the night. Shrignold did paperwork relating to his job as a teacher and just anything that needed paperwork for. Shrignold was pacing around the house all night but trying not to be so loud and from what he knew he did a good job at not waking anyone up.

+6:20 am+

Shrignold was writing in his journal about how he felt about the previous day when suddenly he felt a warm pair of arms wrap around him which made him slightly jump from the sudden action. "Lars?" Shrignold turned his head to face him, Larry kissed Shrignold's forehead "when did you wake up, Shriggy?" Larry asked, Shrignold looked at the clock and seen what time it was. time had flown by so fast to him that he didn't even realize he stayed up all night "I haven't.. actually.. I'm not tired tho! I mean I've done a lot of work and now I don't need to stress about that stuff for a while!" Shrignold exclaimed "that's great, Starlight.. let's get to bed now. It's early" Larry said as he picked up the smaller one and made way to the bed "Larry! I'm not done writing! Put me down please. I'm not even tired!" Shrignold protested as he squirmed a bit before being plopped down onto the bed and held tightly but comfortably by his lover. "bedtime" Larry yawned and made some fake snoring sounds, Shrignold giggled by his actions and soon melted into Larry's arms "fine.. you win" Shrignold let out a defeated sigh followed by a tired and soft smile, Larry also smiled, they soon went to sleep.

A few hours had gone by now and Larry had woken up. Not wanting to wake up the butterfly he stayed still, occasionally moving to get comfortable and it lasted an hour before Shrignold eventually woke up too.

"Good morning, pretty" Shrignold said as he kissed Larry's cheek "good morning, Starlight" Larry chuckled as he sat up and stretched. Shrignold did the same and soon stood up "the house is oddly quiet this morning.." Shrignold commented as he opened the bedroom door "that is true.. should check if anyone is home?" Larry asked as he stood up and made his way out the room "yeah.. we should" shrignold made his way down the hallways with Larry and checked every room (knocking before ofc) but nobody was home, not even the kids were home so they made their way down the stairs and into the kitchen to see a note. Larry looked over at Shrignold then back at the note, he grabbed it and cleared his throat than began reading

" 'Dear, Larry + Shrignold.

We are taking the kids to the park and the movies today we had to rush so I'm sorry we couldn't wake you guys up but you both seemed tired so I guess you two needed the rest. There is food made and we put it in the fridge so just warm it up whenever.

   -Stanley + Fred' "

Larry placed the note back down than looked over at Shrignold who had a upset expression "they are such jerks man. I would like to go to the park and see some movies" Larry says as he makes his way to the fridge "yeah! But like- I'm not complaining.. we haven't had some alone time since.. well- y'know" Shrignold's sheepish says as he fidgeted with his hands as he followed Larry "well- yeah you're right. It's not all that bad! Just you and me again! But like for the whole day, we can just relax together" Larry smiles at the thought and finally opens the fridge to get some breakfast warmed up to eat.

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