Chapter 8

167 4 48

(One week later)
<words: 3111>

3rd person

Larry was daydreaming as usual, he was listening to a podcast about death and theories

"How long has he been laying there?" Emmet asked while he was getting ready for work "he's been laying there for about an hour or two." Tony replied as he fixed his posture and kept looking at the news paper "alright well when Cliff wakes up tell him I'm at work and that I love him. Or at least get someone to do it." Emmet said as he walked out the door " 'Kay. " Tony replied as he took a sip of coffee before getting up and walking towards Larry.

"LARRY ITS TIME TO STOP MUCKING AROUND AND GET UP!" Tony hollered as he shook Larry making him snap out of his daze "w-what's up Tony?" Larry said looking up at Tony "It's 6 am. Time to get ready. Your breakfast date with shrignold." Tony said walking away from Larry.

Larry got up and got ready for the day and the breakfast date, he took a shower, combed his hair for the first time in a short while, brushed his teeth and he wanted it to be special even though it's only a breakfast date, he cooked breakfast and made their pancakes into hearts with a blueberry and chocolate chip smiley faces.

'Perfect' Larry thought as he finished setting up the table. Everyone was out on a morning walk, something Larry doesn't do because he doesn't have energy for that and Shrignold doesn't go because he doesn't want to run into the cult.

"Now. Time to get Shriggy" Larry said as he headed up the stairs.

Knock knock

Larry knocked on the door but without waiting for an answer he walked in "Shrignold I made breakfast and—" Larry walked in on Shrignold getting dressed, he was in shock but quickly felt his face burn up "IM SO SORRY IM SOOOO SOOOOOOOO SORRY" Larry apologized as he covered his eyes and closed the door "it's fine! Actually- Larry I need help with something!" Shrignold exclaimed, Larry sheepishly walked back into the room still having his eye covered, Shrignold chuckled and walked over to Larry and uncovered his eyes "it's fine. I'm not fully naked. Plus you've seen my body before. Why are you still surprised when you see it?" Shrignold stated "I- Uhhh— I- I don't know" Larry said making eye contact with Shrignold "now.. can you help me pick out a colour for my earrings? Also I need help with my back.. it's been sore lately and I know you used to work as a massage therapist back in the day." Shrignold said he turned around to grab some earrings "y-yeah.. but I wasn't any good at it- are you sure you want me to.. uh.. help?" Larry said as he sat down on the bed "yes, Larry's I want you to help me with my sore back." Shrignold said as he put in a pair of earrings and he turned around "how does this look?" Shrignold questioned "y-you look very beautiful, Shriggy" Larry said as his face started to heat up "thanks! Now what with my back? Do I just lay down?" Shrignold said as he sat down next to Larry "OH! YES YES UM— you can lay down!" Larry said as he got up so Shrignold can lay down.


Shrignold laid down on the bed "I'm having pains on my upper back.." shrignold said as he relaxed his body "alright." I nodded as I placed my hands onto his back and started to massage the knotted areas on his back "your back is really knotted.. have you been putting stress on your back?" I questioned "um.. I do fly a lot if that counts?" Shrignold replied "I've seen a lot of cases like this when I worked on people with wings. it's normal so don't worry! Is your lower back sore at all?" I spoke and Shrignold just nodded yes "may I?" I paused waiting for a go ahead or a no thanks "..uhh.." Shrignold looked away "you can say no. I'm completely okay with it if you aren't comfortable." I said as I stood up "yeah.. I think I'm okay for now. Thank you Lars" shrignold smiled as he sat up and kissed my cheek "I'll be ready in a minute or two. You should go check on the food to make sure it isn't cold" Shrignold whispered to me

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