Chapter 13

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[words: 1299]

||this chapter was kinda rushed so sorry if some things don't make sense and stuff||

Lesley Pov.

I was working on some new dolls when I got a call.

"Hello?~" I put my phone on speaker while I continue to make the new dolls.

"Yes hello! U-um.. w-we had an incident here at the.. the um.. y'know?.." the male voice was sheepish "hmm... what happened?" "Someone died.." I sat up straight and placed the doll down "who?." I turned my focus onto my phone "T-Thomas died.. I was wondering I-if you could maybe-" I hung up the phone and took a step back.

"my.. god... OH MY GOD!" I threw the paint brush on the ground "I spent hours on his design! Ugh.. thank god I've kept a copy.." I pulled out a copy of the old guy and transferred whatever data I could to the new copy. Some files were distorted or corrupted but who really cares? He was only made to teach about transportation and nothing more. What has he not finished teaching? God. Anyway he should be ready to go in a few days.

I picked up my phone and shot a text over to Stanley.


Lesley: okay. He will be ready within a few days.

Stanley: thank you! So much. You're a lifesaver!

I sat down in my chair again and went back to making some touch ups on the new dolls I'm working on.

Stanley pov

I sigh in relief that Thomas will be back. I look over at my kids and my beautiful husband

They were playing and laughing. How could Fred be so happy? I don't know. But I'm glad that my family is happy.

I stood up and started to pack up our things. We are moving back into the house. Or at least we are going to just try and move most of our things. I'm not gonna tell the others on what Lesley told me.

I want it to be a surprise. They are gonna be so happy. We are all going to be happy.

Fast forward a few hours and we had a decent amount of stuff moved back to the house. We moved our mattress's back in the house so we can sleep there tonight and get the rest of the stuff tomorrow.

I went into the kitchen and just made whatever I could for lunch.

All we had was Roy's flakes, bread and white sauce. I know the others aren't fond of white sauce but this is all we have.

I sigh and lean on the counter "what's wrong?" I look up and see Tracey standing at the doorway "we have basically nothing." I hold my head in my hands and just stand there thinking on what to even make "nonsense! There has to be something. Now let me see.." she pushed me out of the way and was looking at the 3 options "we could have Roy's flakes! You could like- uh—" Tracey scanned the room but eventually stopped and turned back to me

"we could boil some milk, add the Roy's flakes and try to make some like weird oatmeal with it! I'm sure we have stuff for it somewhere. Sure it won't taste exactly like oatmeal and 'it will make our teeth gray' but hey it's better than nothing right?" Tracey nudged my arm lightly as they grabbed the milk and gave it to me "here. Do ya thing, chef friend." Tracey walked out of the kitchen to go hang out with the others who were settling back in.

I got to work on making the oatmeal. Once it was done I poured everyone a bowl and set them on the table "lunch is ready!" I yelled, everyone stopped what they were doing and came over to the table and started eating.

3rd person

Shrignold and Larry finished eating before everyone "thank you Stanley. It was delicious" shrignold stood up and went over to the living room, Larry thanked Stanley and followed Shrignold soon after.

Lillith was eating in the living room with the rest of the kids. They were watching a kids puppet show. Shrignold looked over at Larry

"I talked to the lawyer today" shrignold looked back over at Lillith, Larry looked at him "anddd?" Larry leaned in closer to Shrignold with a smile starting to form on his face "he said we just need to do some things and then the process will be finalized" shrignold had a soft look on his face as he looked back over at Larry and he embraced him, Larry wrapped his arms around Shrignold and looked over at Lillith. He was nervous but excited at the same time.

He was going to be a legal guardian of this child soon.

Isn't that amazing?.

Larry and Shrignold kept on talking about being parents for a while until everyone was done eating and started to do their own things.

The kids soon after finished their lunch, put their plates in the kitchen and ran out soon after that to play around. Tag, hide n seek. Anything that kept them moving and having fun. It's like nothing had happened.

Like nothing had happened that made their grandpa disappear. Nothing had happened that made shrignold and some others look all beat up. Nothing happened that they should worry about. They were safe. For now until they grew as old as their parents. Hopefully they don't have to worry like their parents when they reach their age.

Sounds of children laughing was heard throughout the house followed by running, it was just so happy in this weird funny house again. The teachers are getting along and the children are making this house seem alive again.

At the end of the day the kids had fallen sleepy and had used up all their energy, they fell asleep watching a movie.

Shrignold went downstairs to collect his child, he scooped her up into his arms and walked back up the stairs. He placed her on their bed and laid down. He turned over to face Lillith and Larry "I love you, Lars" Shrignold formed a warm, soft smile on his face as Larry sat up and kissed his cheek "I love you too, Shriggy. Goodnight" Larry laid back down and had fallen asleep in seconds "goodnight" shrignold closed his eyes and had drifted off to sleep.

{time skip to a few days later}

Thomas pov

Sunlight had poured into my room from the window and felt shivers shoot throughout my body. It was cold. My skin was cold and my room was cold and empty besides a bed, a blanket and 2 pillows. I sat up and groaned. I stood up and walked out my room and to the downstairs to which I was greeted with gasps and hugs.

"Thomas! You're back!" The red, tall meat man exclaimed as he pulled away from the hug "yeah... uh- yeah." I pushed passed the people and wobbled into the kitchen to get myself a nice, hot cup of coffee. The best part of my day is always the start because I just need that coffee. It's my fuel. I brewed up a nice cup of coffee and took a drink from it. Yep. The best.

I walked out of the kitchen and past the others back up to my room.

It's to early. I'm going back to sleep.

(A.N: alright so.. first off HAPPY NEW YEAR. I know I'm kinda late but still. My wrist is feeling so much better and all so I could go back to writing. I hope you all had a fantastic new year and thank you all for the amount of reads. Thank you all for everything actually.

I feel so famous now lol.

Anyway I hope you all have a fantastic day/night, bye bye!)

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