Chapter 3

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(Words: 1084)
(Time skip so they home now lol)

3rd person:

When they got home shrignold sat on the couch beside Larry "how'd it go?" Larry said as he looked down at shrignold "honestly.. I don't know how to feel about it." Shrignold said looking at the Tv "do you have a cold or something?? Uhh... the.. i don't know.. some type of sickness?" Larry said as he wrapped his arm around Shrignold "I- um.. n-no.. yeah?.. I don't know- I have something called h-hanahaki." Shrignolds face started to heat up but he really couldn't do anything about it

"What the heck is a hanahaki?" Paige said looking at both of them "Hanahaki Disease is a disease where someone begins coughing up flower petals because they have unrequited feelings for someone." Colin said as he took a sip of tea "oh my god- Shrignold. You have feelings for someone?" Paige said looking at shrignold "I- um.. maybe." Shrignolds face got even more red.

Paige grabbed Shrignold by the arm and dragged him up the stairs pinning him to the wall "tell me please! I swear I will take that shit to the grave." They said trying to sound serious but has hints of excitement in their voice and on their face "w-well—" shrignold was cut off by Candice "what the fudge are you two doing??" She said as she tilted her head
"Oh! Uhhhh" Paige took a step back from Shrignold "just trying to find out who he lik-" shrignold covered their mouth "we are talking about adult things! So you shouldn't listen to our conversation." He said giving Candice a awkward smile

"Hm......... HM.... HMMMMM- alright" Candice walked past them and down the stairs

Shrignold lifted his hand off of Paige's mouth "can you just keep quiet about that stuff around the kids. Please??" "Alright alright geez." Paige said as they rolled their eyes "now tell me who you like. I swear on my creators life I won't tell a soul." They said as they placed their hand on their chest "okay... I like.." he whispered into Paige's ear "I like Larry.." he backed away from Paige

"Um.. Paige-"
"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE REALLY?! OMG OMG! THATS SO CUTE!" Paige started to shake shrignold "for how long? Are you gonna tell him?! I can help you plan a date! Omg omg okay okay so-" shrignold put his hand on their shoulder "I haven't said anything to him yet. I don't even think he feels the same way so let's chill out" he said making eye contact with Paige "oh you'll be surprised~" Paige took Shrignolds hand off of them and walked back to the others down stairs

"W-.... WAIT WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?" Shrignold ran halfway down the stairs but tripped on one of the kids toys sending him tumbling down the stairs falling right on his face "owww..."

Larry turned around to see shrignold on the ground "you alright?" He said as he got up letting out a chuckle "yes I'm fine.." Larry helped him up and saw he had a bleeding nose "oh. Uhhh let's get that fixed up" he said as he walked with Shrignold up the stairs

"Oh they so like each other" Colin said going back to drinking his tea "mhmm" Tony agreed.


I was helping Shrignold with his nose bleed in the bathroom "so what did they say to you that made you fall down the stairs?" I say looking at him "oh- uh.. nothing." I raised my eyebrow "nothing made you run after them in a panic that ended up in you falling down the stairs. Sureeee" I say giving him a playful nudge "it's true! Nothing made me do that.." I saw Shrignolds face get a bit red 'god he's so cute..' I smile at him "what's got you so smiley?" Shrignold said looking at me through the mirror "your pretty face" I flirt and smile more as I see his face get more and more red "wha- huh??" Shrignold turned to me "what did you s-say?" "You heard me" I move my face closer to his only leaving a inch between us

"Just kiss already."
I turned around and saw Gilbert standing at the door entrance "I need to use the restroom so kiss now or get out." Gilbert walks into the restroom, shoving us out in the process

Larry looked at Shrignold "sooo shall we?" I say getting close to his face again

Shrignold pov

'Omg omg omg im going to explode! Is this real? Is he being for real? Is he joking? Is he drunk?? AAAAAA' I thought as my face was basically a tomato now "a-are you being serious? Or are you drunk..?" I say trying to make eye contact with him but my body not really wanting to "wanna find out?" Larry grins at me "u-um... I.. uh. Ummmmm" I looked away from him "can I kiss you?" I looked back at Larry, my heart is pounding so loud he could probably hear it and my face is burning so much I think someone can cook food on it, i couldn't say anything so I just let out a nod and closed my eyes as I felt his lips on mine

His kiss was a little rough but passionate, soft and warm 'am I dreaming?' I thought as I melted into the kiss, it only lasted a few seconds but it felt like forever

I'm definitely not dreaming

Larry pulled away smiling "so how was that" he said staring at me "that was like.. the best thing ever" I said as I looked up at him "how does it feel to be my first kiss?" I say tilting my head at him "YOUR FIRST?? BRO SHRIGGY TELL ME YOURE JOKING!" Larry's voice cracked up a bit while saying that which made me laugh"i-i'm not joking!" I say pulling Larry into a hug as Larry's face started to turn as red as mine "so.. are we like.. a thing now?" Larry looked at me while I nodded yes "alright.. how about we go on a dinner date at 6? Sound cool?" Larry said kissing my cheek

"that sounds lovely, Larry"

(A.N: omg hi! So like sorry if this was sudden and I probably should have eased into it but I got kinda impatient so yeah.. I hope you all enjoyed chapter 3 and I hope you all have a good day/night! Bye bye!!)

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