Chapter 10

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{Christmas Special}

{words: 1398}

Shrignold pov

I woke up to the bed moving, I slowly opened my eyes to see Lillith jumping up and down "it's Christmas! Get up get up!" Lillith Exclaimed as she kept on jumping on the bed "I'm up, special one.. what time is it?" I yawned as I sat up and stretched "it's 8 am! Now get up! I want to open some presents!" She hopped down from the bed. I shook Larry awake "Lillith wants to open presents, Lars" I kissed his cheek as he sat up "okay.. I'll be down in a sec" he stretched as he started to get ready. I followed Lillith downstairs to where all the kids were waiting "can we open the presents now!" Doi asked as I sat down on the couch "just wait for the others, Doi" I rubbed my eyes as Larry came down and sat beside me.

A few minutes had went by then finally the other adults came down looking really tired still. "Good morning everyone" Fred yawned as he stood next to the couch "you kids can open the gifts now" Tony crossed his arms, the kids wasted no time and started to open the gifts. They showed us what they got and were really happy about it.

We all shared laughs and we had good conversations that morning and the kids really enjoyed the day.

3rd person pov

Larry and Shrignold were cuddling on the couch watching Christmas movies with the rest of the house. Lillith went up to Larry & Shrignold and sat in between them, she fell asleep a few moments later "so... you guys planning on adopting her yet?" Colin asked, we both looked at each other then back at Colin "I'm starting the process of adopting her now so yeah. I'll be the legal guardian of her for now until we all decide if this is something Larry wants to do" I looked down at Lillith who was sleeping peacefully "what do you mean if this is something he wants to do?" Tony raised his eyebrow as he looked over at us "well I don't know if I'm ready to- uh.. be a parent I guess but I will be in her life and I can try and fulfill that fatherly role. I just don't know if I want to fully commit to it yet. That's all" Larry looked at Tony, I nodded "how about you just sign the papers along side Shrignold so then you don't have to do that stuff all over again. I mean you're going to just fulfill the same role even if you did sign the papers" Tony took a sip of his coffee and went back to watching the movie "yeah. I mean it won't be that bad" Colin shrugged and also went back to watching the movie.

Larry looked at Shrignold and sighed "I guess that isn't a bad idea" he looked down at Lillith and smiled, he placed his hand on top over her forehead and gave her good dreams like he always had for the past nights she's been staying with them.

An hour or two later Tracey and Paige dressed the kids in warm jackets, clothes and took them outside to play in the snow.

Fred and Stanley started to make Christmas cookies and made some hot chocolate for the house.

Larry and Shrignold went on a walk in the forest to where they first met.

It was peaceful, the snow was falling and breeze was strong. The only sounds other than wind and snow were the sounds of the snow crunching under their feet and the sounds of their breathing. They held each others hand while the walked through the forest trail until the found the place.

Remember that place with the flowers shrignold went to in chapter 1?

Well.. that my friends is where Shrignold and Larry first met.

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