Chapter 6

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Warren pov

This stupid lamp. I work very hard to talk and spend time with Shrignold and I cherish EVERY moment with him. I deserve him. I work hard for him and I love him.

I don't want to push him out of that relationship though.. yes I want him but with how Larry is I'm sure they will break up sometime down the line and I will be there for Shrignold when that happens.

"You still thinking of him?" I turned around and saw Paige standing at the bottom of the stairs "what do you want?" I look back at the Tv "you know if you are still thinking of Shrignold and you still want to be with him than you should just give up. He loves Larry and always will." I got up from the couch and started walking towards Paige, unconsciously balling up my fists "Larry isn't manipulative, narcissistic, and he does have a bad temper if something doesn't go his way-" I covered Paige's mouth with my hand "that's enough! I'm not any of those things! I'm a good guy!" I got closer to their face trying to seem intimidating, Paige moved my hand from their mouth "Sureeeeee a nice guy would isolate a student from their friends in a lesson. A good guy would make their students imaginary brother kill himself. A good person would totally try and manipulate a student into thinking they only need one friend. A good person would totally victimize themselves" "okay that's enough! I'm seriously a better guy than that stupid alcoholic lamp!" I snapped "he hasn't been drinking a lot for the past month! He is slowly getting over his addiction for shrignold! He is actually trying to better himself for him!" Paige snapped back.

Tony pov

I woke up to he sounds of yelling and arguing from downstairs "oh my god.. it's 2 in the morning.." I mumbled as I got up and walked to the top of the stairs "SHUT UP OTHERS ARE TRYING TO GET SOME SLEEP! It's 2.. IN THE MORNING. I HAVE A LESSON AT 8 AM AND EVERYONE ELSE NEEDS THEIR SLEEP SO QUIET DOWN OR JUST GO TO SLEEP. God." I stomped back to my room leaving Paige and Warren in kinda shock but walking back to my room I can hear them whisper yelling.

Paige pov

After Tony left I turned my head to Warren "see what you did! You woke up Tony!" I spoke in a whisper "no! You woke up tony!" "If your are just going to be stubborn and not listen to me then I'm going to my room!" I stomped halfway up the stairs "yeah! Run off like the coward you are!" Warren exclaimed, without thinking I turned around and flung myself towards Warren and punched him in the face, sending him to the ground holding where I had hit him "you.. you hit me." The thud of him hitting the ground was loud enough for the house to hear so a few people had gotten out of their rooms to watch "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CALL ME NAMES!" I snapped "AND YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO HIT ME" Warren snapped back "Paige..." I heard a calming voice behind me, I turned my head and saw Shrignold walking down the stairs "is your hand alright?" Shrignold said helping me back up "yeah it's fine. I'm going to my room.." I walked back upstairs and to my room.

Larry pov

I was looking at Shrignold from the top of the stairs "what happened?" I tilted my head to him "no clue.. I'll ask Paige about it in the morning" he said walking back to me. I took his hand and walked back to the room but I heard stomping, I turned around and was met with a fist in my face "OW! FFFFFRICK MAN" I looked up and saw that Warren had hit me "WHAT WAS THAT FOR-" I didn't get another word in before I saw that Warren was now on the ground from a punch that Shrignold had did "YOU DONT TOUCH MY BOYFRIEND!" Shrignold snapped before repeatedly punching and kicking Warren "Shriggy wait! I'm fine!" I pleaded as I picked up Shrignold "I'm fine! See. Everything is alright. Let's get to sleep.." I said as I carried him to the bedroom, I could tell Warren was in shock because he sat there without talking.

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