Chapter 4

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(TW: homophobia, torture[not much detail], etc.)
<If you are not okay with these topics please I suggest you don't read also they will be human or somewhat human in this chapter lol>
(Words: 2385)
3rd pov

Shrignold and Larry started getting ready for their date around 5 and just getting excited, Larry has experience with dating and stuff like that but Shrignold on the other hand has never been on a date until now so this was a big thing for him

"How do I look?" Shrignold said as he turned to face Paige and Lola "pretty!" Lola said smiling brightly "lose the green piercings- other than that you look great! He'll love it! Now go get 'em tiger!" Paige said as they pushed Shrignold out the door.

Shrignold was waiting by Larry's room door making some touch ups on his clothes and just making sure he looked great for the one and only Larry the dream teacher "alright Larry you ready yet?" "Almost Shriggy! Just- a little longer!" Larry said trying to look for his phone and wallet 'oh my god- PLEASE let me find my phone and wallet. Like. Please becky and Joe- help me find these two items' after a minute or two Larry found his wallet under the bed and his phone in a old hoodie pocket, Larry doesn't use his phone much unless it's for work or he needs to ask someone for a favor or someone needs to ask him for a favor which isn't much "alright.. I'm Ready!" Larry said as he opened the door "wow.. you look.. so Divine" Larry said as his looks softened and his face heating up at the sight of Shrignold "t-thank you! I could say the same about you" Shrignold said as he hugged Larry "now.. shall we?" Shrignold said letting go of Larry "of course" Larry nodded as they both walked down stairs "Yo Stanley! I'm taking the van. I'll be back in a few hours or so." Larry said grabbing the keys "oh no you're not! Where do you think your going? Do you even have a drivers license!" Stanley said as he ran out of the kitchen "don't worry Stan, I got my drivers when I was 16. No accidents and I've only had 1 ticket in my whole life so we are going to be A-Okay" Larry said walking out the house with his hand in Shrignolds.

"Kids don't ever be like Larry." Stanley huffed as he went back into the kitchen.

(Time skip)
(At the restaurant)

Shrignold pov

We sat down at the table and started talking about the basics, how are days have been, how we are, what we like and just stuff like that, me and Larry have been close since we met which was a few years ago in our early twenties (20-21) and Larry has had feelings for me since the start and I've only had feelings for him this year, I don't know why he didn't get Hanahaki like I did but maybe he just sorta new this would happen so he had a low risk for that stuff.. I'll never know but I'm glad he didn't go through it, it's painful and you have waves of sadness, guilt, sickness and stuff like that when you need to throw up or cough and you always have a burning sensation followed by the taste of warm liquid metal, imagine a heart burn but 10x worse.

"Hey shriggy. I want to tell you something and I need you not to panic.." Larry said in a quiet voice as he leaned towards me "what is it?" I leaned towards him "i think one of your love cult friends are watching us.. maybe a few of them actually.. now I'm gonna send a text to Stan and the others so if anything happens they know." Larry said as he pulled out his phone and texting the others, I scan the room and see Shrigny, Shrigry and Shrigcorn not even a few tables away from us "we should go.." I say to Larry in a worried whisper "I'll leave money here for the waiter. Let's go.." Larry said grabbing my hand, leaving money and a tip for them as we got up and left.


I pulled Shrignold to the van and we both hopped in

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