Chapter 14

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{tw: Hanahaki, panic attacks(?), arguing(??)}
[words: 3038]

Paige pov

I woke up in the middle of the night. Around 2:19 am. I felt cold but also very warm at the same time. Was i getting sick? What is this feeling? I was hit with a sudden burst of energy.

I sat up and soon after I felt something rush up my throat and my chest felt like it was burning. Recently I would hold it in and just walk due to how tired I was but i couldn't just let this energy go to waste. I ran to the bathroom and coughed into the sink. I coughed and coughed and coughed. Blood stained the petals that laid in the sink. I felt my body become weak.

3rd person

Stanley had woken up to a thud coming from the upstairs bathroom. Fearing for the worst he sprung out of bed and bolted for the bathroom. He stopped dead in his tracks at the doorway to see a passed out Paige. He would usually just take them to bed but seeing how much blood there had been he scooped them up into his arms. Took them outside and drove them to the hospital. He told nobody. Nobody had known they had left. Not yet at least.

Once they arrived to the hospital Paige was rushed to the E.R.

It had been a bit until he was able to see Paige again but once he was able to he sprinted to their room which they were looking tired "hey, Stan" they said in a raspy tone as they looked up to their friend "how are you feeling?" Stanley asked, his voice breaking as he held back tears at the sight of his friend being in very bad condition "I'm doing alright. Nothing too serious.. I don't think at least. I want to go home though." They whined as they sat up "I'm hungry" Paige rubbed their eyes as they looked around the room "how long do you have to stay here?" Stanley asked, he was worried, Overthinking and such "just for the rest of the night and the morning. They need to keep an eye on me for a tiny bit. That's all" Paige said with a smile somehow not really fazed by anything that was happening.

"so.. i was planning on telling Tracey when I get out of here." Paige looked away from Stanley with a smile that started to soften at the thought of Tracey "that's great! I'm glad you are planning on finally doing it" Stanley gave Paige a hug but very soon pulled away "I hope everything goes well with you two" Stanley said in a softer tone as Paige nodded "thank you" Paige looked over at Stanley who had sat down in a chair next to the hospital bed.

A few minutes had gone by and Stanley gets a call from Fred, he looks up at Paige "just a sec. It's Fred" he stood up, walked out of the room and answered the call "hello?" Stanley said in a quiet tone to not disturb the workers or anyone that was trying to get some sleep.

(F = Fred
S = Stanley)

F: "where are you? You aren't in the house. Nor is Paige. Tracey heard footsteps and when she checked you two were gone."

S: "oh- yeah.. Paige just- blacked out or something. I took them to the hospital and they are going to stay here for the rest of the night and the morning."

F: "what hospital are you guys at?"

S: "Clay's health hospital." (Located in Clay Hill)

F: "ok.. i can drive me and Tracey there if you'd like"

S: "maybe not. Paige isn't looking the best. I don't want to worry Tracey and I'm sure Paige doesn't want to worry her too."

Fred let out a sigh "okay.. as long as they are safe.. just.. come home soon. I don't want you staying up all night" "I'll be home in a few minutes. I'll say goodnight for you guys as well, I love you. Bye bye!" "I love you too, Stan. Bye bye" Fred hung up the phone and placed his phone down.

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